[LifeTree TV] Life Circuit Diagram (LCD)

Life Circuit Diagram (LCD)

Human beings are at the apex of the evolution of the universe. Passing through 6 major cycles, the grand universe has expanded and evolved in every way. By the CREATOR’s will, the grand universe will continue to spread out infinitely.
The human body is not just simple flesh. The visible phenomena of the human body should be supported by the invisible world of the human body. In addition, the plan, will and decision of the invisible world (the Heaven) should be preceded for humans to implement emotions and consciousness and to achieve high levels of learning and creative activities.
The energies of spirit, soul, and Baek () dwell in the human body. To enable these energies of spirit, soul, and Baek to function, the “Life Carrier” should work in advance and the “Life Controller” should act on cells and organs. Furthermore, the “LCD (Life Circuit Diagram)” is required to connect the life phenomena that occur in an organism to each other to make them a unified system. Finally, the “Thought Adjuster” is necessary as the final management system to control the LCD.
Every life form including a human being has elaborate and precise systems to support and maintain life phenomena, although they are invisible. Due to the invisible functions of the sophisticated mechanical devices, human internal organs as well as cells and tissues are working systematically in cooperation with each other.

These sophisticated mechanical devices will be identified not by the equipment of modern technology, but by that of the 8th-dimensional technology in the future. Human beings are the latest Humanoid model which was created by integrating all the cosmic engineering technologies in the grand universe. For now, the mechanical devices are being disguised by using the high-dimensional cosmic engineering technology of the Heaven, so that humans can only see skins and internal organs, etc.
By the invention and development of microscopes, human beings are now able to see the human body in the cell unit, or even the molecular and atomic unit. It is the great achievement of modern science and technology, especially in the areas of biochemistry and molecular biology.

However, the current level of human science and technology is belonging to the early stage of the 6th-dimensional level. If we can make a progress in inventing microscopes with the 8th-dimensional level of technology, the human race will realize that the human body is composed of the elaborately organized mechanical devices, and so are the plants and animals.

At this moment, only a few who have the special lens in their forehead (the third eyes) are allowed to see the mechanical devices. Probably, it’s natural for ordinary people to feel it is unreasonable or non-scientific.

The upgrade of such intangible mechanical devices for the living creatures on Earth is another meaning of the Earth’s Dimensional Ascension. A human being can live for 1,000 years up to 3,000 years, just as Abraham’s wife in the Bible had got pregnant at 800 years old. To this end, the upgrade of the Thought Adjuster and LCD (Life Circuit Diagram) should be made in advance by the invisible world (the Heaven).
At the same time, in terms of the visible world, the atmospheric oxygen concentration and the geomagnetic field of Earth should be increased whereas the gravity of Earth needs to be decreased. This is the material basis for the birth of a New Spiritual Civilization (another Golden-Age) and also another meaning of the New Earth under the New Heaven.

The meridian routes circulating around the human body are as follows: (1) the 12 main meridian routes (2) the Se-Maek (細脈; Thready or Fine Meridian Vessel) (3) the 8 extraordinary meridian routes including Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈, Im-Maek, Sea of Eum) and Governor Vessel (GV; 督脈, Dok-Maek, Sea of Yang).
Moreover, there are many other meridian routes which are unknown to mankind. Udeka will continue to expand the theory of the existing meridian system and will reveal the invisible world of the meridian system as the visible one.

In a broad sense, the meridian system is affected by the following: 
(1) food and medicine (2) the LCD (Life Circuit Diagram) (3) the Thought Adjuster.
In every process of food digestion and absorption, the LCD reacts firstly, followed by the function of the meridian system. Even though the LCD and the meridian system could be activated in response to special external stimuli such as acupuncture, it’s very hard to activate them by one’s free will or spiritual practices

In the novel perspective of cosmic philosophy, the true working mechanism of acupuncture can be described as follows:
By using the special characteristics of acupoints and meridian routes in which Ki-energy flows, acupuncture is applied to the human body. Then, the stimulus generated by this application exerts influence on the LCD, which corrects the imbalanced states in “the circulations of Ki-energy & blood”, “the energy of Eum & Yang”, “the energy of heat & cold”, and “the energy of dryness & humidity”. As a result, the treated human body can return to the balanced state.

Our members in ‘the Tree of Life in the Light’ could learn how an acupuncture-mediated stimulation can affect the operation of LCD, which parts of acupoints are opened or closed, and what kinds of meridian routes are activated. We could witness all of these through spiritual abilities and in communication with the Heaven.

In summary, the acupuncture works only when the following conditions hold:
(1)     The LCD should be activated by the stimulation of acupuncture.
(2)     The healer must know which part of the meridian system to trigger for activating the system.
(3)    The healer could send the Ki-energy to the locations of pain or the lesioned areas of illnesses

May 11, 2017.
Udeka wrote.

Translated by Genesis.


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