[LifeTree TV] The Final Unravelment on the Reincarnation system

The Final Unravelment on the Reincarnation system

Reincarnation means the cycle of life. Life forms have their own life cycles of life and death. Life forms end their life cycles by leaving their descendants through self-replication and reproduction.

Spirit-souls enter into the bodies of his descendants. The cycle of life is the cycle of the spirit-soul. Reincarnation is a series of processes, in which Spirit-Soul-Baek energies enter into and exit from the body of life form in the cycle of life.

Reincarnation means the system of life cycle in the Grand Universe, which is the cycle of life accompanied by the circulation of spirit-soul. Life form evolves through life, and spirit-soul evolves through material experience.

Reincarnation is a system of circulation of Spirit-Soul-Baek energies aligned to the life cycle. The reincarnation system is aligned to the planet’s cycle, also to the star’s cycle, and is operated in conjunction with the cycle of the galaxy.

The existence of the reincarnation system enables the evolution of spirit-souls. The reincarnation system is a gift of the blessings that the CREATOR gives to spirit-souls. Because of the reincarnation system, spirit-souls can experience all things in nature that the CREATOR has unfolded in the Grand Universe.

There is not much to learn or experience in one life. As the world that the CREATOR unfolds in the Grand Universe is so large, vast and diverse, things to learn and experience in a single life are too small.

The reincarnation system allows the spirit-souls as energy-being to experience the world of energy permeated to all things in the nature that the CREATOR unfolded in the Grand Universe. The existence of the reincarnation system enables the spirit-souls to evolve while they are in the cycle of life.

Because of the reincarnation system of the Grand Universe the wheel of the Grand Universe never stops, and the truth of the Grand Universe is spreading into the living creatures, which is a microcosm, as the life truth.

The reincarnation system of minerals is run in the form of elemental sprites. The elemental sprites in minerals are replaced at the time of minor-cycle and major-cycle of the planet.

The reincarnation system of plants and fishes is run in the form of a collective spirit, in line with the circulation cycle of life forms.

The amount of spirits in plants and fishes is very small. If you grind a grain of barley finely, you can get a myriad of particles.

The spirit that enters plants and fishes, divides its energy into tens of thousands of units and enters in the form of a colony of spirits, and is incorporated into the reincarnation system of the Grand Universe, which joins with the life cycle and the cycle of the spirit-soul.

At an inflection point of the planet’s cycle, the spirits that have evolved as a colony of spirits, and that have reincarnated in line with the cycle of the planet, are merged into one again and start a new material tour of the spirit.

A new spirit take over the duties and roles of a colony of spirits for plants and fishes. This is the universal reincarnation system of the Grand Universe.

The reincarnation system of animals is operated in the form of a collective spirits. A spirit corresponding to the size of white colored spirit (6th Dimension) can enter into the herd of six deer.

A spirit divides itself and enters into the bodies of six deer, and then it is incorporated into the reincarnation system of the Grand Universe and continues the material tour of the spirit-soul for millions of years.

The spirit-soul, which enters into the bodies of six deer, is incorporated into the reincarnation system of the Grand Universe and evolves independently. The divided spirits reincarnate by forming a family relationship or forming a same group relationship of animals. After a certain period of time set by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, the six divided spirits are agglomerated together to form one spirit.

The spirits that have existed in the collective spirits of deer for millions of years, are agglomerated together and incorporated into one with the results of each evolution. The integrated spirit-soul from the spirit-souls of six deer, receives a new body according to the course of the evolution of the spirit-soul and is incorporated into the reincarnation system of the planet to continue the new life cycle.

The reincarnation system of human beings is complicated and diverse. Human beings can implement high level of consciousness, and human beings have the highest level of free will. Between human beings who can implement high level of consciousness and have high level of free will, there are clashes of free wills, abuse of free will, and violation of the free will of others.

Being given a high level of free will means that the level of desire is high. If they don’t maintain the harmony and the balance between consciousness and the emotion, then conflicts and confrontations between selfish and unstable emotions will inevitably occur.

Because of the abuse of free will, because of the conflict between free wills, various karmas are formed, between man and nature, between man and man, between group and group, between race and race, between country and country.

The characteristic of the human reincarnation system is that it works by the interaction between free will and karma energy. Each spirit-soul has its own course of evolution, and its own independence is ensured. Free will is guaranteed as much as possible, depending on the direction and purpose of the spirit-soul's evolution.

The free will is the accelerating pedal given to the spirit-soul and the karma energy is the brake that can limit the free will of the spirit-soul, when compared to the car.

After strict coordination between your free will and karma energy by your Original Spirit, the Committee of Karma and the Committee of Re-incarnation (11th  dimension) in the Government of Heaven, your life program has been decided, and now you are living here.

The human reincarnation system includes the Karma system. The Karma system is being applied to the intelligent life forms with a certain level of free will.

As the karma system meets the reincarnation system, the cartwheels that move the Grand Universe became advanced. The cartwheels that move the Grand Universe, became the path of Heaven set by itself, and it became the law of the Grand Universe.

The karma system does not apply to minerals. There is no karma in the life cycle of plants. In the life cycle of animals karma does not occur, too.

On the planet Earth, only humans are subject to the rule of karma due to the abuse of free will. Even if humans commit sins, they are not born as plants or minerals, because minerals and plants do not apply to the karma system.

In the life cycle of animal, karma system does not work either. So even if humans commit sins in their own lives, humans do not transmigrate to animals.

There is no heaven in this universe. So even if he wants, he can’t go to Heaven. Even if humans commit sins, he does not go to Hell, because there is no Hell in this universe.

What we can admit as sin in the universe is that the living creature with free will seriously violates the other’s free will by the abuse of the free will. Only at this time karma energy will be generated, and only if someone severely violates the other’s free will to satisfy his own interests and desires, then karma occurs.

The karma energy can only be eliminated by the person who caused the karma. Even the CREATOR doesn’t interfere with the karma energy.

There are traces of my past life in my present life. My future life is affected by my present life. My current life is together with my past life and living together with my future life through my karma energy.

The ignorance of mankind about the reincarnation system has created heaven and hell that doesn’t exist anywhere in the universe. By denying the reincarnation system, Christianity took its path into the corruptive world. The ignorance of mankind about the reincarnation system has created a virtual illusion (matrix) of religion.

The ignorance of mankind about the reincarnation system has alienated us from the truth of the Grand Universe. The ignorance of mankind about the reincarnation system has made impossible to understand the life truth included in the life cycle.

By the timely relations Udeka keeps a record of the inconvenient truth about the reincarnation system and the karma energy, for the Light-Workers who are waking up and for the Heavenly people whose consciousness are being awakened.

June 27, 2018.
Udeka writes.

*Translated by Windvoice.


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