The Final Unravelment on the Walk-In

The following is the typical process of the Spirit-Soul-Baek (靈魂魄) energy getting into the human body.

From the moment the egg and sperm are fertilized, the Baek () energy is injected. The Baek energy is also called “the Sprite of the Body”. The Baek energy, having the lowest vibrational frequency among the Spirit (), Soul () and Baek, causes cell-division.

The Baek energy plays a role of priming water in the birth of human beings. By the working of the Baek energy, the human body can grow for ten months and be completed.

When a baby is born, the Soul energy comes in. In a birth of baby, when the foramen ovale is clogged and the lungs are circulated, the baby will cry for the first time. When the first cry bursts, the Soul energy comes in.

Sometimes the Spirit-Soul come in together when the first cry breaks out. But in general, the Soul enters first. The Spirit enters at the first birthday before the Baeg-Hwe(百會; GV20) on the head is closed.

The reason why the Spirit does not come in early is that the working of the Soul and Baek energy alone does not have much difficulty in growing and developing the baby.

When a baby grows up, learns to speak, walks, and develops cognitive abilities, as it is not enough only with the Soul energy and Baek energy, the Spirit energy with the highest vibrational frequency must come in to achieve the normal body and cognitive development. When the Spirit energy is delayed, cognitive and developmental disorders might appear.

The Baek energy operates the intangible devices that exist in the Tangible Superficial Layer of the human body. The Baek energy governs human physiological phenomena.

The Soul energy is the energy source that runs the intangible devices that exist in the Intangible Middle Layer of the human body.

The Soul energy governs the circulation of the Eight Extraordinary Meridian route (奇經八脈) and the main 12 meridians. The Soul energy operates the Emotion Cords and Consciousness Cords.

The Spirit energy is the energy source and master key that runs the intangible devices in the Intangible Deep Layer of the human body. The Spirit energy, having the highest vibrational frequency among the three energies of Spirit, Soul and Baek, controls the energies of Soul and Baek.

The Walk-In refers to the case in which the original Spirit-Soul is replaced by the new Spirit-Soul while the Baek is unchanged. In the case of the Walk-In, a high-level Spirit-Soul is not born through a woman’s womb, but is substituted in a body of human who is living.

The Walk-In is the preferred way when a high-dimensional spirit-soul enters human body. The Walk-In could occur only by the contract between the body-lending spirit-soul (lender) and the spirit-soul to come into the body (borrower).

The Walk-In doesn’t happen to anyone at any time. It is common for a body-lending spirit-soul to stay only until the new Spirit-Soul walk in his/her body.

There is also the case in which the spirit-soul to lend the body and the new spirit-soul to come into the body accompany together. A young spirit-soul may lend the body to an old spirit-soul, and two spirit-souls live together for a certain period of time. Even in this case, it is made through the approval of the Heaven (the Committee of Re-incarnation in the 11th Dimension) by contract with the corresponding spirit-souls.

The Work-In happens a lot in the period of young age. When the ego of the person who lends the body is not strong, the new spirit-soul may not feel uncomfortable to use the body.

When a shock or accident occurs enough to shock the soul of the person who lends the body, it is the right timing for the Walk-In. The following is the usual suspect for the Walk-In:

l  When a car accident is so severe that you get unconscious,
l  When you are unconscious for a long time due to illness or something,
l  When you have surgery with general anesthesia,
l  When you have lost consciousness after breathing in briquette gas and you wake up,
l  When you fall out of a tree, you lose consciousness and you wake up.

Even if the Spirit-Soul is changed by the Walk-In, his/her family does not notice it. Even if you do something different or abnormal behavior after the Walk-In, it is generally considered as an aftereffect of an accident and usually is ignored.

After the Walk-In, the new spirit-soul gradually adapts into the body. Once the new Spirit-Soul is adapted to the body, a karma energy field will be installed for the new spirit-soul, and a new life program will start.

When the Walk-In happens, between the body-lending spirit-soul and the new spirit-soul to come into the body, detailed contracts are determined before birth. After the contract is made in the invisible world, the following events will happen according to what they are planned to.

The reason why a high-dimensional spirit-soul enters into a human body by the Work-In is to reduce the variables of childhood events and accidents and save time.

There are many ways for the Work-In. There are various contracts between the two spirit-souls who agree with the Work-In. The Work-In can be executed only when the interests of the two spirit-souls coincide.

Without anyone knowing it, in the way of the Walk-In, high-demensional spirit-souls are walking in human bodies who are still living.

The Walk-In is a representation of the spirit-soul walking into human body.

*Translated by Mool. Edited by Metrica.


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