Operating mechanism of the meridian system 17: Convergence and Divergence of the Meridian System

The theory of meridian system is based on “Sam-Yang (三陽; Three state of Yang)”, “Sam-Eum (三陰; Three state of Eum)”, “5-Woon() 6-Ki()” and “Chakra 5-Haeng()”. The meridian circulation system consists of three separate routes for Jung(), Ki() and Shin(; light) respectively, which are integrated into three-layered structures of meridian routes. 

The driving force of the meridian circulations stems from the magnetic field generated by heart. The meridian circulation system is a part of LCD (Life Circuit Diagram), and is operated by elaborate mechanic devices that are invisible.

The types of circulations in the meridian routes are as follows:

n  The 1st circulation : circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣)
n  The 2nd circulation : circulation of Extraordinary Meridians (奇經八脈)
n  The 3rd circulation : circulation of Jao-Ujudo (子午流注圖) energy
n  The 4th circulation : circulation of Wi-Ki (衛氣)
n  The 5th circulation : circulation for the emission of Sa-Ki (邪氣) and Tag-Ki (濁氣)

The circulation in the meridian route is one-way. In the conventional study on the meridian system, this is called “U-Ju (流注; flow)” of the meridian route, which reflects convergence and divergence of the meridian route.

(1) Su-Sam-Yang (手三陽): the three Yang (; Positive) meridian routes flowing through hand are as follows:

Su-So-Yang (手少陽): Triple energizer meridian(TE)
Su-Yang-Myung (手陽明): Large intestine meridian(LI)
Su-Tae-Yang (手太陽): Small intestine meridian(SI)

The meridian routes of Su-Sam-Yang are convergent. The convergence of the meridian route means that the meridian flow is incoming into body.

*Note: Su() means hand, Sam() means three. So-Yang(少陽), Yang-Myung(陽明) and Tae-Yang(太陽) are three types of Yang.

*Note: “the meridian flow” is abbreviation for “the flow in the meridian route”.

(2) Su-Sam-Eum (手三陰): the three Eum (; Yin, Negative) meridian routes flowing through hand are as follows:

Su-Gwol-Eum (手厥陰): Pericardium meridian(PC)
Su-So-Eum (手少陰): Heart meridian(HT)
Su-Tae-Eum (手太陰): Lung meridian(LU)

The meridian routes of Su-Sam-Eum are divergent. The divergence of the meridian route means that the meridian flow is going out of body.

*Note: Gwol-Eum(厥陰), So-Eum(少陰) and Tae-Eum(太陰) are three types of Eum.

(3) Jog-Sam-Eum (足三陰): the three Eum meridians flowing through foot (more specifically, starting from foot and then flowing into body) are as follows:

Jog-Gwol-Eum (足厥陰): Liver meridian(LR)
Jog-So-Eum (足少陰): Kidney meridian(KI)
Jog-Tae-Eum (足太陰): Spleen meridian(SP)

The meridian routes of Jog-Sam-Eum are convergent.

*Note: Jog() means foot.                  

(4) Jog-Sam-Yang (足三陽): the three Yang meridians flowing through foot (more specifically, starting from inside body and then flowing into the foot) are as follows:

Jog-So-Yang (足少陽): Gallbladder meridian(GB)
Jog-Yang-Myung (足陽明): Stomach meridian(ST)
Jog-Tae-Yang (足太陽): Bladder meridian(BL)

The meridian routes of Jog-Sam-Yang are divergent.

The flow direction of meridian route is fixed. That is, the meridian flow is one-way, and it is predetermined to flow only in one direction.

The field of acupuncture is based on the theory of meridian systems. Acupuncture has treated human diseases by using the characteristics of invisible acupoints and meridian routes. But, unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions in the theory of acupuncture. Among the most serious errors, there are the theories about “Bo-Bup (補法)” and “Sa-Bup (瀉法)”.

If an acupuncture needle is applied in the forward direction of the meridian flow, the meridian flow gets better, which is the main theory of Bo-Bup (補法). In a similar logic, Sa-Bup(瀉法) argues that if a needle is applied in the reverse direction, the meridian flow gets worse. This acupuncture technique is called “Yung-Su-Bo-Sa-Bup (迎隨補瀉法)”. Among the acupuncture theories that are expanded beyond Yung-Su-Bo-Sa-Bup, there are “5-Haeng() acupuncture” and “Sa-Am (舍岩) acupuncture” techniques.

*Note: In “Yung-Su (迎隨)”, “Yung()” means the reverse direction of meridian flow, while “Su()” means the forward direction. “Bo-Sa-Bup (補瀉法)” is an acupuncture technique which combines “Bo-Bup (補法)” and “Sa-Bup (瀉法)”.

Yung-Su-Bo-Sa-Bup does not work in real clinical practices.

Whether Bo-Bup or Sa-Bup is applied on the meridian flow by acupuncture, it does not affect the meridian flow at all. The area where acupuncture takes effect is called “Ki-madang”. No matter how repeatedly Bo-Bup or Sa-Bup is applied, the change of Ki-madang in internal organs (i.e. the major 6 viscera and 6 supplementary internal organs) does not occur.

When the head of an acupuncture needle is stimulated after Ki-madang is formed, Ki-madang temporarily gets stronger, or the wave of Ki-madang temporarily brightens as concentric circle and spreads out. Regardless of the direction of stimulus (called as 9-6-Bo()-Sa()), if an acupuncture needle is applied on an acupoint and the head of  needle is stimulated, then Ki-madang is brightened or enlarged.

*Note : 9-6-Bo()-Sa() is a technique among lots of Bo-Sa-Bup (補瀉法). If we spin an acupuncture needle clockwise 9 times, it is believed to take effect as Bo(; increase the meridian flow). On the contrary, if we spin a needle counterclockwise 6 times, it’s believed to take effect as Sa(; decrease the meridian flow). In fact, the direction of rotation whether clockwise or counterclockwise is meaningless.

In the field of acupuncture techniques, Bo-Sa-Bup is meaningless. Those who could see the meridian system can easily verify the equilibrium theory that Jung-Ki(正氣) and Sa-Ki(邪氣) balances when a acupuncture needle is applied. Only when the study on acupuncture is completely converted from the limitations of Bo-Sa-Bup, and focuses on the theory of Ki-madang, we will see the revival of acupuncture.

After the pole-shift of earth, newly written theories on acupuncture and meridian system will be supplied for mankind in the PEFA (Protective Energy-Field Area). The theory of Bo-Bup and Sa-Bup was born without understating that the meridian system where Jung-Ki(正氣) flows and the meridian system where Sa-Ki(邪氣) and Tak-Ki(濁氣) flows are separated. 

The approach such as Bo-Bup and Sa-Bup does not affect the meridian system where Jung-Ki(正氣) flows. The factors that affect the meridian flow depend on the intensity of magnetic field generated by heart and the function of Po().

The flow in meridian system is subordinate to the LCD (Life Circuit Diagram). This is because the state of meridian system is determined by the efficiency of many invisible mechanic devices which are controlled by the LCD. So far, human beings have been scientifically and logically describing only what they could see.

Human beings were too ignorant and unwilling to know about the invisible world that can’t be verified and explained by human scientific technology. Without knowing anything, they accepted as truth only what could be seen.

There are a lot of invisible things that support vital phenomenon. Every creature has a number of invisible systems that maintain vital phenomenon.

In a material age, people believe only what is seen. In a spiritual age, people believe the law of the great universe, the law of Mother Nature, and the truth of life, all of which are invisible but abide in the whole creation.

The magnetic field generated by heart and Po()’s fumigation process in Simpo(心包) affects the meridian flow. The limits of the ancient medical practitioners’ consciousness, who did not know this fact, are the biggest roots for the misleading theories like Bo-Sa-Bup.

The Korean medicine is based on the invisible philosophical principles. The existence of acupoint can’t be proved by modern science, nor can the existence of meridian routes be explained scientifically. 

Because the acupoints were invisible, we had to face the limitation that we could not see the meridian flows by eye. Thus, errors in the Korean medicine have been accumulated, and without finding any solutions, a retro tendency to rely on traditional literatures was inevitable.

Before the termination of material civilizations, before the collapse of medical matrices, for the break-up of old medical matrices and the installation of new medical matrix suitable for a new golden age, the series of articles “LCD (Life Circuit Diagram)” and “Operating Mechanism of the Meridian System” are being revealed to the world at this time.

Besides the errors of Bo-Sa-Bup, many theoretical errors on acupuncture and meridian system have been accumulated so long.

The subtle ideas about the invisible acupoints and meridian flow, and the region where Ki-madang is formed have been accepted only as a possible theory. Consequently, the unique philosophical systems of Korean traditional medicine have been distorted or missing over the long years. People who could see the meridian routes and invisible world will appear and correct those mistakes.

There is a saying “What the public believes is the present truth, and what the few believe is the future truth”.

These articles written by Udeka will be a new paradigm of medicine, when the Day comes. Communicating freely with the Heaven, when the age of spirituality arrives. And when the dimensional ascension of the planet earth takes place. These articles will be a new medical paradigm suitable for new spiritual civilization.

As such shall it be. As such is it planned to be. As such was it done.

September 28, 2017.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Genesis. Edited by Metrica.
(Contact Us: metrica@naver.com)


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