The Final Unravelment on Mind

What do you think mind is?
You will probably say, “It’s working of our brain.”

Where do you think mind exists?
In your brain? Or in your heart?

Although we don’t know where mind locates exactly, we can’t deny that mind exists.

Do you think mind arises in your heart” Then, does it exist in left ventricle? Or in right ventricle? Otherwise, does it exist in nodus conducens corids?

Mankind has tried to find the nature of human mind in long years. But, it is still in the realm of mystery. Nobody can prove where mind exists.

Do you think mind is produced in your brain? Do you think mind is working of cerebral cortex? Or is it outcome of cerebral gray matter? If human mind is produced in our brain, then where does it come from? From cerebellum? From mind-brain? Otherwise, does it come from diencephalon?

Mind is consciousness. Mind is feeling. Mind is integrated outcome of consciousness and feeling. Mind is every mental activity in that we recognize and sense objects, symbolize matter and subject, and give meaning to objects.

Mind does not locate in brain. Allowing for the current consciousness level of mankind and the advance degree of scientific technology, we can’t find where mind exists exactly.

Mind does not exist in our heart. Mind locates in the space between multiple dimensions. Mind locates in the invisible inter-space between inner wall of heart and empty space in heart.

Mind is produced in the MCIS (Meta-Consciousness Implementation System), which was created by the universal engineering technology of at least 7th dimension or higher.

The MCIS has a sort of data storage space which is comprised of un-consciousness, sub-consciousness and current consciousness. The MCIS might be compared to the CPU of computer. In this framework, human brain is an output device which process signal and information from the CPU.

Every plant and animal have also this MCIS, by which they can implement their own consciousness. Also they can integrate sense and awareness.

Mind is represented as consciousness and behavior by the working of the MCIS, which is strictly managed and controlled by each one’s higher-self and the Heaven. This is the universal law of great universe.

Various factors such as universal rank, size of spirit-soul, degree of spiritual evolutionary path determine the efficiency and capacity of the MCIS. The quality and quantity of data storage space in the MCIS also affects talents and ability. Determination of genius and dull-witted person depend upon these factors. Karma is also kept in this storage space and takes the form of stored memory.

Human destiny and life path is basically nothing but a downloaded information in the MCIS, which was approved by one’s higher-self and the Heaven to support the material experience in the process of spiritual journey. This might be compared to a folder of data storage space in a computer.

This information in folder is realized as the form of mind in the stage of life. This information is reflected into consciousness and mind. When an event is to happen in due time, the information in folder is triggered and manifested by one’s free-will. This manifestation might look like a coincidence, but in fact it is inevitability. This is the true nature of human life. This is the naked essence of human mind. This will be quite inconvenient to you. But it is true.

If we compare mind as projector in theater, then human brain might be interpreted as the screen. The life program is content of film projected in theater. We can’t enjoy a movie without lights emitted from projector and screen which can capture various images projected on it.

The information and stored memories from learning in the MCIS can only be reflected and realized on the screen of brain, which recognizes, senses and react to objects. The information in un-consciousness and sub-consciousness can be understood in the current consciousness by the working of brain. We can’t aware the information which is not processed by our brain. In this case, we usually say, “I don’t know my mind. What the hell is going on in my mind?”

Mind is bridge which connects the visible world and invisible world. Mind is linkage between phenomenon and essence.

Where mind locates, there exists time and space. Past, present and future is created in the space of mind. By the help of mind, awareness and spiritual enlightenment can be grown up.

Where mind locates, karma and incarnation do play their role. Human body, happiness and unhappiness also rest upon human mind. Life and death dwell in mind.

Mind is lingering wind and spectrum of various energies. Mind is basically an energy. Mind is a bit of information. Mind is a manifestation of consciousness and sense. Mind is a tiny particle which imbeds every corner of vast universe. Mind is gentle breeze touching your face, staying near you.

Mind is consciousness of the great universe. Mind is information of the great universe. Mind is your consciousness.

September 23, 2017.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Metrica.
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