Life Circuit Diagram of Homo-Sapiens 14 – The System of Color, Ki and Light
Behind vital phenomenon, the system of Color (visible world) and the system
of Ki and Light (invisible world) are working.
l The System of Color
Ø Blood circulation
Ø Body fluids circulation
system: circulation of hormone, lymph, digestive fluid, and joint fluid
Ø Nervous system
Ø Internal organ system:
ü major 6 viscera: liver,
heart, spleen, lung, kidney, Simpo(心包)
ü 6 supplementary
internal organs: large intestine, small intestine, gall bladder, stomach,
bladder, Samcho(三焦)
l The System of Ki
Ø Meridian System
ü Formation of Ki-Madang
is crucial
ü Various type of
Meridian System
Circulation route of Wi-Ki(衛氣; Guardian energy which circulates in the outer
area of body to protect skin):
- Lung takes charge in
this circulation.
- Directly related with
Immunity system.
Circulation route of Yung-Ki(營氣; The operating energy)
8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian route(奇經八脈): 1) Conception Vessel
(CV; 任脈, Im-Maek, Sea of Yin), 2) Governor Vessel(GV; 督脈, Dok-Maek, Sea of
Yang), 3) Thoroughfare Vessel(TV; 衝脈, Choong-Maek), 4) Belt Vessel(BV; 帶脈, Dae-Maek), 5) Yin Link
Vessel(YinLV; 陰維脈, Eum-Yu-Maek, Channel Reuniting Yin Energy), 6)
Yang Link Vessel(YangLV; 陽維脈, Yang-Yu-Maek, Channel Reuniting Yang Energy), 7)
Yin Heel Vessel(YinHV; 陰蹻脈, Eum-Gyo-Maek), 8) Yang Heel Vessel(YangHV; 陽蹻脈, Yang-Gyo-Maek)
- Perineum takes charge
in this circulation.
- Directly related with
body fluids circulation system.
Emission system of Sa-Ki(邪氣; malicious and bad Ki) and Tak-Ki(濁氣; Turbid Ki)
Circulation Flow of Jao-Ujudo(子午流注圖; meridian energy flow diagram, which displays the
sequential energy inflow into human body in a day)
- Circulation of
Chun-Ki(天氣; Heavenly Ki; sunlight, temperature)
12 Chakra system: root(會陰; CV1)chakra, navel(丹田) chakra, spleen(脾臟) chakra, heart(心臟) chakra, throat(甲狀腺) chakra, brow(印堂) chakra, crown(百會; GV20) chakra, the “Palace of Toil(勞宮; PC8)” in the left and
right palm, the “Bubbling Spring(湧泉; KI1)” on the left and right sole, the “Chest
Center(丹中)” chakra
- Major energy center
and light circulation route
Ø Heating System in Simpo
ü Production of blood
ü Production of body
ü Production of Jung(精)-Ki(氣)-Shin(神)
ü Formation of Dam-Eum(痰飮): Bad circulation of
body fluids causes cluster of fluids in cells and tissues, which may cause pain
and illness.
ü Termination of Jung(精) Creation
Ø MHCIS: Meta-Humanoid Consciousness
Implementation System
ü In Conception Vessel,
12 cords of emotion control
ü In Governor Vessel, 7
cords of consciousness control
Ø Separation and Delivery
System of Ki(氣)-Mi(味; taste)
ü Separation of Ki-Mi:
food è digestion process è absorbed nutriment is separated into Ki and Mi. Ki
is separated into 12 types. Mi is separated into 5 types.
ü Delivery system of
Ki-Mi: 12 types of Ki, 5 types of Mi è 12 meridian routes è major 6 viscera, 6
supplementary internal organs
l The System of Light
Ø LCD(Life Circuit
Ø Jang-Bu Sang-Tong(臟腑相通) è Light fields are created.
Ø The System of Jao-Ujudo(子午流注圖)
ü Sam-Hwang energy in the
Great Universe è MHEA (Meta-Humanoid Energy Adjuster) è Converted into 12
different frequencies of energy è Supplied to the major 6 viscera and 6
supplementary internal organs
Ø Various invisible
devices to support the LCD
October 11, 2017.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Metrica.
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