
The best practice to cope with Heaven’s tests - the realities of Gabriel’s visual team (Part 1)

The Gabriel’s visual team is on the front line of Armageddon, and governs the world of ‘ Yeo-Si-A-Mun’* . So many people will encounter the Gabriel’s visual team at first when they take a first step to the invisible world. Through this meeting, mankind will face the bare unpainted face of Heaven. *Yeo-Si-A-Mun: Literally means "Like this I have seen and heard." This is also the traditional opening statement of a Buddhist sutra. But in our context, this word represents the fallacy of channeling and visionary experiences, which the initiators in the spiritual world frequently face. The messages from Heaven or other sources should be evaluated carefully with sincere insights and discernments.  The bare face of Heaven – which is represented as the natural catastrophes – will cause the fears and frights. In the extreme situations for survival, mankind will have to endure physical pains and tribulations. Armageddon directed by the Gabriel’s visual team will correct all the h

35. Hologram and the Brothers in Darkness #2

The executives in the Government of Heaven dwells in the 6th dimension. The topsiders in the Government of Heaven are composed of the Archangels in the 8th dimension. The Higher committees are both the advisory group and supervisory group, which are located in higher than 8th dimensions. These committees are in perfect harmony and balance, cooperating with the Government of Heaven. Division like the Light or Darkness does not apply in Heaven. Such duality is needed only on the ground, which is useful to learn the material world. In the 4th dimension there is “the Spiritual World in Heaven” which controls the world of ghosts and manages the ascending spirit-souls. The first higher-selves of all spirit-souls stay in the Spiritual World in Heaven. The Gaia manages the descending spirit-souls and control the star-gate through which spirits come into the Earth from the other space. The Brothers in Darkness existing in the 5th ~ 8th dimension are under control of the Government of He

The Big Dipper and 9 stars in the Great Bear

Korean people are called as the tribes of the Big Dipper* , who worship the Big Dipper, and also called as the ‘DAN(丹) tribes’. The DAN tribes are the origins of Korean people. They had originated from the Polaris, travelled through the Big Dipper - which is the star-gate of the Nebadon galaxy - and finally they have settled in the Korean Peninsula. In this way, the Nebadon galaxy has emerged out of the Polaris and the Big Dipper.  *The Big Dipper - which is located around the Polaris - looks like a ladle and is composed of 7 stars. The Big Dipper belongs to the stellar system of Pleiades. The Polaris is center of all the stars in the Nebadon galaxy. The ancients believed that the Polaris is the heart of all things and creations, and the place where the Creator inhabits. The Polaris is the center of our universe, and the Big Dipper is located around the Polaris. The Big Dipper is also called as ‘the Seven Stars’ in Korea. The Seven Stars generate their own lights in the Nebado

New Heaven in 18 dimensions begins

Since March the first in 2016, the 7th cycle of the Great Universe has begun. The universe of 18 dimensions was created and spread out from the universe of 15 dimensions in Haven's own way of course, with nobody knowing any clues, with no one else sensing any omens. Creation is different from evolution. Evolution develops from lower stage to higher stage, and from simple thing to complex thing. However, creation means that everything spreads out simultaneously based on a blueprint. Prior heaven of 15 dimensions ends, and posterior heaven of 18 dimensions spread out. So many planets and galaxies were created and started to operate by the Creator in the new cycle and new paradigm of 18 dimensions of the great universe. Rearrangement of the planets and galaxies will happen in accordance with the time when the dimensional ascension of Earth ends. Only a small number of people – who are being awakened – will get to realize the law of the universe which is operating beyond the atm

I would rather die when others die

Most people don’t have any interests in words like “Change will come” , “Change is coming”, “Change has already begun” , and “The Last Day is now” . And their common responses are like these; “I would rather die when others die” , “What the hell can I do by living alone?”, and “What’s the meaning of managing to live just to survive?”  “I would rather die when others die. Please don’t say that any more to me. Mind your own business. Just live as you believe! Don’ bother me any longer. Leave me alone.” These responses are the generic type of thoughts which ordinary people have at this present times. They consider ‘what is seen to their eyes’ as the whole picture, fully believe the main news broadcasted in TV as the absolute truths, simply mimic other’s way of life without any reflections, and just get along without any deficiencies. These are short pieces of today’s mankind whose consciousness is not awakened. Now, it’s very urgent time to go into countdown for closing down the

The 3rd Message from the Queen of Wind: New Hope

I am the wind. I am the wind to tell you that changes have begun. I inform that festival of the great universe has started. All things will collapse. All things will disappear. All things will be changed. All things will be corrected. All things will be back to their origin or where they should be. I inform all of those. I whisper to you that the great catastrophe which mankind has never experienced before has already begun in the invisible world. I am the wind. I am telling you that the festival of Earth’s dimensional ascension has begun, as the wind touching and patting leafs in sincere wishes. To all the plants and animals on the ground, and to you whose consciousness is in a deep sleep I inform that the change has begun, with a palpitating heart like the moment of the first kiss to your lips. I am the Spirit of the Nature, saying it’s time to open new Heaven and new Earth. To mankind whose consciousness is in a deep sleeping, to the closed heart

18. Spirit consciousness and Soul consciousness: Spirit consciousness

Everyone has both spirit-consciousness and soul-consciousness. Soul-consciousness is my universe. Spirit-consciousness dwells in the world of ONENESS-consciousness. Spirit and soul-consciousness coexist in my body. Spirit-consciousness is connected with the Universal ONENESS-consciousness through my higher-self. Spirit-consciousness is pure consciousness which is never separated from the Universe. Mankind has the first higher-self in the 4th dimension of Spiritual World. The existence of ‘I’ living on the ground is connected into Heaven, in energy, through my higher-self. By this way Providence of Heaven is unfolded on the ground. My higher-self is connected in the ONENESS-consciousness of the Great Universe ‘Big I’ inside me is spirit-consciousness which is directly connected with ONENESS-consciousness. The ultimate goal of Self-Teaching is communication and meeting with one’s own higher-self. My Ego has strong attachment to the 3rd-dimensional mate