
The Final Unravelment of the 7th Dimension

The 7 th dimension is the closest dimension to the Heaven that mankind has imagined. This is because the 7 th dimension is called “the Government of Heaven” or “the Heavenly Government”, while the 5 th dimension is called “the astral plane” or “the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth”. On the other hand, the 9 th dimension is called the High Council of the Heavenly Government, whereas the 11 th dimension is called the Council of Karma and Reincarnation. The reason the 7 th dimension is called the Heavenly Government is that the 7 th dimensional energy beings and administrator groups are organized just like governmental organizations of individual nations on Earth. It's a dimension for superintending practical tasks that can affect the 4 th dimensional material world. Like the first department that you encounter when visiting a governmental office, the 7 th dimension is a substantial administrative organization performing practical tasks and is responsible for the evoluti...

The End of Experiments on Homo-Sapiens

The Earth is the hometown of the human. For the past 2.5 million years, numerous Humanoid-type races have been created and experimented in the cosmic laboratory. Many of them had been implanted to the Earth to conduct various experiments under the physical conditions of the Earth. As the result of the experiments on Earth, the current race of Homo-Sapiens have been selected finally. The Homo-Sapiens have become the ancestors of mankind. Humans have become the dominant race on Earth. The universe is expanding endlessly. As the universe expands, more and more spirits are being created in the 16 th dimension. In order for newly born spirits to set out on a material world, more and more clothes for them are needed. The Homo-Sapiens is the most evolved version among the numerous life-forms which have been created up to the 6 th Grand Cycle of the Universe. Human is the latest model, who could implement the highest degree of free-will. All the experiments on Homo...

The Final Unravelment on the Chakra System

The chakra is an invisible sophisticated device, which can’t be observed with modern scientific technologies. In human body, there exist 8 inter-dimensional spaces where lots of invisible sophisticated devices are built. The chakra system lies in the 5 th inter-dimensional space. The 7 chakra system, which is well known to spiritual people, lies along the Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈 , Im-Maek, Sea of Eum). The 7 chakra system consists of the following 7 chakras: n   1. Hwe-Eum ( 會陰 ; the Perineum, CV1) Chakra: the Root Chakra, Muladhara Chakra n   2. Dan-Jun ( 丹田 ) Chakra: the Sacral Chakra, Svadhishana Chakra n   3. Spleen Chakra: the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura Chakra n   4. Heart Chakra: Anahata Chakra n   5. Thyroid Chakra: the Throat Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra n   6. Ihn-Dang ( 印堂 ) Chakra: the Third Eye Chakra, Ajna Chakra n   7. Baeg-Hwe ( 百會 : GV20) Chakra: the Crown Chakra, Sahaswara Chakra In addition to the...