The Final Unravelment of the 7th Dimension

The 7 th dimension is the closest dimension to the Heaven that mankind has imagined. This is because the 7 th dimension is called “the Government of Heaven” or “the Heavenly Government”, while the 5 th dimension is called “the astral plane” or “the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth”. On the other hand, the 9 th dimension is called the High Council of the Heavenly Government, whereas the 11 th dimension is called the Council of Karma and Reincarnation. The reason the 7 th dimension is called the Heavenly Government is that the 7 th dimensional energy beings and administrator groups are organized just like governmental organizations of individual nations on Earth. It's a dimension for superintending practical tasks that can affect the 4 th dimensional material world. Like the first department that you encounter when visiting a governmental office, the 7 th dimension is a substantial administrative organization performing practical tasks and is responsible for the evoluti...