The End of Experiments on Homo-Sapiens

The Earth is the hometown of the human.

For the past 2.5 million years, numerous Humanoid-type races have been created and experimented in the cosmic laboratory. Many of them had been implanted to the Earth to conduct various experiments under the physical conditions of the Earth.

As the result of the experiments on Earth, the current race of Homo-Sapiens have been selected finally. The Homo-Sapiens have become the ancestors of mankind. Humans have become the dominant race on Earth.

The universe is expanding endlessly. As the universe expands, more and more spirits are being created in the 16th dimension. In order for newly born spirits to set out on a material world, more and more clothes for them are needed.

The Homo-Sapiens is the most evolved version among the numerous life-forms which have been created up to the 6th Grand Cycle of the Universe. Human is the latest model, who could implement the highest degree of free-will.

All the experiments on Homo-Sapiens have been managed by “the Tree of Life in the Light” in the Paradise and executed under the approval of the Source-Creator. In creating Homo-Sapiens, various cosmic engineering technologies from the 15th, 17th and 18th dimension have been applied.

n  The realm where the 15th dimensional technologies have been adopted

l  The basic design and creation of musculoskeletal
l  The design and creation of internal organs
l  The design and creation of a nervous system, lymphatic system, and vascular system
l  The design and creation of the meridian system
l  The design and creation of skin
l  Numerous visible and invisible devices in human body have been designed and created by the technologies in the 15th dimension.
l  About 85 percent of the human body has been designed and created by the technologies in the 15th dimension.

n  The realm where the 17th dimensional technologies have been adopted

l  The design and creation of the MHCIS (Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation System)
l  The design and creation of brain system
l  The general technologies adopted for eye, ear, and nose
l  The general technologies adopted for the Life-Circuit Diagram
l  About 10 percent of the human body has been designed and created by the technologies in the 17th dimension.

n  The realm where the 18th dimensional technologies have been adopted

l  The core technology adopted in the Life-Circuit Diagram
l  The core technology adopted in eye, ear, and nose
l  The core technology adopted in the MHCIS
l  The technology related to gene
l  The technology adopted in the core of brain processing
l  About 5 percent of the human body has been designed and created by the technologies in the 18th dimension.

The experiments which had been performed in the Earth are as followings.

n  The Experiments of Energy Metabolism

l  Mainly the Light-Workers have volunteered for these experiments

n  The Experiments of Special Energy-Fields built in human body

l  Various energy-sealings in internal organs and meridian routes have been experimented to find out the mechanism to cause diseases.
l  The Light-Workers who have a great scale of karmas have been selected for these experiments.
l  The ordinary spirit-souls also have selectively been chosen.

n  The Experiments of Invisible Sophisticated Devices built in human body

l  The devices in human body have been substituted for other special devices which had been built in another species.
l  These experiments are to accumulate data which might be utilized for the case: 1) Humans may migrate to another planet. 2) Humans on Earth may be blended with another species of outer planets genetically.
l  The Light-Workers who have come here with their Cosmic Karmas have been adopted for these experiments.

The Planet Earth is the unique seed planet where all the experimental data on human have been accumulated.

Since May 10 in 2018, all the experiments on Homo-Sapiens have been finished. New experiments will begin only after the dimensional ascension of the Earth.

As the dominant race in the 7th Grand Cycle of the Universe, humans will be implanted all over the universe.

May 12, 2018.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Metrica.
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