[Special Broadcasting] The DAN(檀) Tribe and the Descendants of the Heaven

Why the Korean Peninsula should be the Center of the World 2:
The DAN() Tribe and the Descendants of the Heaven

The DAN() tribe is a group of spirit-souls who are born with the energy of the CREATOR. More strictly, the DAN() tribe refers to a group of spirit-souls who have the energy of the CREATOR most abundantly among all spirit-souls in the universe, and is also called the Gabriel tribe, the first of the 12 tribes of spirit-souls.

Or, among the 12 tribes of spirit-souls, the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th tribes possess the energy of the CREATOR in part, so in a broad sense they can also be called the DAN() tribe. Of these 5 tribes, the 12th tribe that has the least energy of the CREATOR became the ancestors of the Jewish people, endowed with the role of leading the material civilization of Earth.

The DAN() tribe, especially the Gabriel tribe, is a special spirit-soul group that has the light of the CREATOR most abundantly. This tribe, which has the light of the CREATOR most abundantly, is composed of special spirit-souls who have unfolded the Will of the CREATOR in the Grand Universe. These special spirit-souls have played a pivotal role in constructing spiritual civilizations in the Grand Universe on behalf of the CREATOR.

The 144,000 Light-Workers are included in the DAN() tribe and each of them has one of the 144,000 types of Light of the CREATOR. Additionally, the Avonal Group, which supports the CREATOR’s Rule over the Grand Universe, belong to this DAN() tribe, and many members of this group have been sent out to Earth as the terminators of the material civilization of Earth and also as Light-Workers.

So far, a large number of Light-Workers have been born as Koreans living on the Korean Peninsula now. The Korean Peninsula is the only place where the Bestowal of the Avonals will be hosted by the CREATOR; this great cosmic event is a gift of the CREATOR bestowed upon the Korean people, who are the Descendants of the Heaven.

In general, the DAN() tribe is related to spiritual civilizations on planets. Therefore, among the administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchy who manage and operate planets, those who are responsible for spiritual civilizations on planets also belong to the DAN() tribe. In addition, a group of special spirit-souls belonging to the DAN() tribe are involved in initiating and leading spiritual civilizations on planets and also managing and operating the matrices for spiritual civilizations on planets.

The people who began and bloomed the first spiritual civilization on Earth were the Korean people who lived on the Korean Peninsula. In the age of spirituality unfolded on Earth in the ancient times, there were people who developed the spiritual civilization on the basis of the Will of the CREATOR, and their spirit-souls were the members of the DAN() tribe.

In the Era of Spirituality, the Korean Peninsula was the place where numerous members of the DAN() tribe were born and bloomed spiritual civilization on Earth by unfolding the Will of the CREATOR. In that Era of spirituality when spiritual civilization fully blossomed, many members of the DAN() tribe were born as Korean people on the Korean Peninsula and successfully carried out their roles in blooming spiritual civilization.

In the Age of Spirituality when people on the Earth could communicate with the Heaven, all the leaders of the Korean people belonged to the DAN() tribe and many Korean people were also members of this tribe. In the Era of spirituality when the Heaven communicated with people on Earth, many members of the DAN() tribe, which has the Light of CREATOR most abundantly, were born as Korean people and executed the Will of the Heaven on the Earth. This is why Korean people are called the Descendants of the Heaven, or the DAN() tribe.

On the other hand, there is a group of special spirit-souls who play the leading role in opening and developing material civilizations on planets and who are also involved in installing, operating, and managing material matrices. This special spirit-soul group is called the Workers of Darkness or the Melchizedek group.

In the Era of spirituality when the Heaven communicated with people on the Earth, all the Korean leaders, who originated from the DAN() tribe with the energy of the CREATOR, bloomed a glorious spiritual civilization on Earth along with the Korean people, the Descendants of the Heaven. Meanwhile, in this Age of Religion when the communication between the Heaven and people on the Earth has been disconnected, material civilization on Earth has been managed and operated by the Melchizedek group, the Workers of Darkness. In these materialistic times when people on the Earth cannot communicate with the Heaven, the planet Earth is being managed and operated by the Jewish people, originating from the youngest 12th tribe which has the smallest amount of the energy of the CREATOR among the 5 tribes of spirit-souls belonging to the DAN() tribe.

However, when the End Times come, everything must go back to the place from which it originates, its root. In the upcoming Era of ‘the New Heaven and the new Earth’, a new spiritual civilization shall be initiated again by the Korean people, the DAN() tribe which has the energy of the CREATOR most abundantly. The upcoming Age of spirituality, in which people on the Earth are able to communicate with the Heaven, will be led by the Korean people, the Eldest Sons of the CREATOR, who have the energy of the CREATOR most abundantly. Therefore, after the Cataclysmic Pole Shift on Earth, the Korean Peninsula shall be the center of a new civilization on Earth, which shall be led by the Korean people.

Furthermore, after the Earth's Dimensional Ascension is completed and Earth becomes Ja-Mi-Won (紫薇垣; the Paradise) of the material Universe, the Korean Peninsula shall be the center of the Grand Universe, which shall also be led by the Korean people, the DAN() tribe.
I wish all the best for the Korean people, the Descendants of the Heaven, who serve the Heaven, who cherish the Heaven in their hearts, and who are afraid of the Heaven.

October 21, 2019
Udeka wrote.

Translated by Twinflame.


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