The Integration of Light and Darkness

The Integration of Light and Darkness

The frame of light and darkness is the fundamental law of the universe, which is inseparable just like Eum-Yang (陰陽; dark-bright, negative-positive, light-shadow).

The ones who have the matrix of darkness have the following characteristics:

l  They introduce and develop the material civilizations.
l  The way of perceptions are based on the matter, material, and wealth.
l  They consider victory and success through competitions as the whole meaning of life.
l  They believe only what is visible.
l  They are logical and rational.

The ones who have the matrix of light have the following characteristics:

l  They pursue the truths, although those are not visible.
l  Their minds are full of innocence and love.
l  They value people rather than materials in their hearts.

And the intermediate group has the role of balancing the light and darkness, as they have both matrices of darkness and light.

These three matrix structures (Light, Darkness, Intermediate) are installed when the soul is attached to the spirit, and cannot be erased with one’s free-will. All the human beings have one of these three matrices carved in their bodies like the Scarlet Letter and are connected to the planet's reincarnation system.

After the spirit and soul are combined, the spirit-soul receive the Baek (; the astral body) from the planet’s Gaia and then the combined spirit-soul-Baek starts a journey of the material world. If the light matrix is compared to a transparent and clean window with no grids on it, the intermediate matrix can be compared to a window with grids of about 40 percent concentration. The matrix of darkness can be compared to a window with grids of 80 percent concentration.

All the human beings are composed of the following proportions of three matrices:

l  40% of the light matrix, 20% of the intermediate matrix, and 40% of the darkness matrix

The matrix structure, carved in the soul like a scarlet letter, determines the frame of cognition and thought. By the working of these matrices, so many people meet together and battle against themselves.

The PEFA (Protective Energy Field Area) programs, which are the highlight of the Earth Dimensional Ascension, are directly directed by the Creator after the outbreak of natural disasters. The PEFA refers to a special area that is created by the combined working of magnetic field, gravity and photon light.

The PEFA (Protective Energy Field Area) has the following properties:

l  The electro-magnetic energy in the PEFA is 20 to 80 times stronger than the current one on Earth.
l  The Heaven builds this area to help people to maintain their body conditions as the optimum like the time when the Homo-Sapiens were first created.
l  The gravity is reduced in the PEFA.
l  The light of the photon gets stronger in the PEFA.

The following conditions are critical to enter into the PEFA:

l  The chakra system should be fully enlightened.
l  More than 87% of the intermediate matrices should be erased.
l  More than 89% of the darkness matrices should be erased.

The structure of the matrix will be cleared by the Heaven. After the natural catastrophes, humans whose matrix structure are cleared by the Heaven shall still be able to enter the PEFA as their consciousness wake up.

Life totally depends on the Will of the Heavens. The matrix structure cannot be erased by one’s free-will. Humans will experience the fear and coldness of the Heaven at the gate of the PEFA.

This is the beginning of “the Integration of the Light and Darkness” directed by the Heaven. After the global scale of natural disasters, the society and countries will subject to the direct control of the Dark Government (Shadow Government). When people try to enter into the PEFA to avoid their persecution, they can’t make it unless their dark or intermediate matrix structures are cleared enough. This will be the judgement of the Heaven.

The true integration of the light and darkness means the end of material civilizations. It also means that the matrix structure carved in the soul is dismantled. The conventions of life that have been in the body for a long time should be sublimated into the Wholeness Consciousness. To convey the truth, to correct the contaminated history of the earth, it will be done after the dark government collapses. This is the Will of the Creator.

Anyone whose matrix structure is not cleared should stay outside of the PEFA. As time goes by, the know-how on the installation and operation of the PEFA will be expanded into overseas from the Korean Peninsula. As the PEFA expands over time, the entire Korean peninsula will be integrated into the single PEFA.

Living outside of the PEFA shall be extremely difficult to survive due to natural disasters or social disorders.

I hope to see you in the PEFA.

I wish you good luck.


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