The Principle behind the Implementation of Human Emotions

Where do human emotions come from? Do you think emotions come from your mind?

If emotions arise from the mind, where is the mind? Do you believe that the mind is born in an anatomical organ called the human heart? Do you really believe that emotions are born in an anatomical organ known as the human heart? Do you believe that your mind occurs in the brain and your emotions are also felt by the brain?

No one tells you where your mind is coming from clearly, and no one tells you where emotions come from. Just as a thirsty person try to find a well and a thirsty person should dig a well, I, Udeka, have revealed where the human mind comes from, in the communication with the Heaven.

This article will reveal the principle and mechanism about the generation of human emotion.

The human body is composed of the following three worlds;

     The Tangible Superficial-Layer (): the visible world
     The Intangible Middle-Layer (): the world between the Tangible Superficial Layer and the Intangible Deep-Layer
     The Intangible Deep-Layer ()  

The Tangible Superficial-Layer consists of three hierarchies. The Intangible Middle-Layer has two hierarchies. The Intangible Deep-Layer has only one hierarchy.

In the Intangible Middle-Layer, meridians and chakras are in the same hierarchy (4th floor), while cords of emotion and consciousness are on the 5th floor. The MHCIS (Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation System) in which the mind is made lies at the deepest part of the fifth floor.

The human body has intangible devices that generates the 12 generic type of emotions. The meridian system in the human body can be seen through the scientific equipment with cosmic engineering technologies of the 5th level in the 12th dimension or higher. 

The 12 intangible devices that arouse the 12 spectrum of human emotions can be observed through the equipment developed by cosmic engineering technologies of the 8th level in the 12th dimension or higher. The system of meridians and the intangible devices generating emotions, which cannot be seen by the current scientific technologies of mankind, could only visible to a few people whose spiritual eyes (or the third eye) are opened.

When Homo sapiens (humans) was created, the 12 intangible devices were set up in the human body in order for humans to create the 12 type of emotions. Emotions are energy. Sadness, Joy, Fear, and Dread are all energies. Feeling emotions means that your brain perceive the energies generated from your inside, not from your outside.

The intangible devices that cause human emotions are installed straight from the Dan-Jun (丹田; Svadhisthana; CV4(關元), CV5(石門), CV6(氣海)) to the Chun-Dol (天突; CV22). The energy-generating devices associated with the 12 cords of emotions are as follows.

The higher the number of device is, the closer it is located near to the Chun-Dol (天突; CV22).

n  The emotion cord #12: The energies of mercy and compassion are generated.
n  The emotion cord #11: The energies of tolerance and generosity are generated.
n  The emotion cord #10: The energies of placidity, stability, and optimism are generated.
n  The emotion cord #9: The energies of hope, confidence, and conceit are generated.
n  The emotion cord #8: The energies of love and making the heart flutter are generated.
n  The emotion cord #7: The energies of composure and poise are generated.
l  Its anatomical position is Geo-Gwol (巨闕; CV14, the solar plexus).
l  It serves as the reference point or zero point of the emotions.

n  The emotion cord #6: The energies of doubt, distrust, and dissatisfaction are generated.
n  The emotion cord #5: The energies of fear and dread are generated.
n  The emotion cord #4: The energies of lethargy, frustration, despair, and dependence are generated.
n  The emotion cord #3: The energies of anxiety, nervousness, and pessimism are generated.
n  The emotion cord #2: The energies of anger and rage are generated.
n  The emotion cord #1: The energies of resentment, revenge, and hatred are generated.

With the emotional cord #7 as the reference point, the higher the emotional code is located, the more positive the emotion gets and the higher the vibrational frequency of the energy is. On the other hand, the lower the emotional cord is situated, the darker and more destructive the emotion is and the lower energy with the lower vibrational frequency is emitted.

The intangible energy devices that arouse emotions are set up so that one energy device generates only one type of emotion. Sometimes a breakdown of these intangible devices may result in the functional failure or performance deterioration, which leads to emotional dysregulation.

The 12 human emotion-cords are never operated together at the same time. Of the 12 human emotion-cords, one or two or up to five emotion-cords may occur simultaneously. When one or more emotional energies are generated and transmitted to the MHCIS in the Simpo (心包), the MHCIS classifies and/or integrates these energies into the information of energy to be delivered to the brain. Then, our brains simply display this information and thus we could feel emotions.

Emotional disturbances can occur in the following cases:

     They may be caused by problems with intangible devices themselves that produce the 12 emotional energies.
     An anomaly in the MHCIS that classifies and integrates emotional energies may cause problems.
     They can be consequences of a failure in the brain function to recognize and process the information of emotional energies.

The 12 type of emotions occur through the intangible devices that produce the 12 energies. Therefore, human emotions can’t help being influenced by the performance of these intangible devices. Emotions are energy. The characteristics of the intangible energy devices that produce these special energies and the patterns of emotional disturbances caused by their abnormalities are as follows.

n  The output value from each 12 emotion-cord is set differently for each person.
l  It provides the reason for the diversity and complexity of emotions

n  When a specific energy in an emotion-cord is expressed according to a situation, the minimum and maximum values of the energy are pre-determined.
l  This is why emotional ups and downs appear depending on situations.
l  It serves as the reason for some strange cases in which some people are not feeling certain emotions well or other people are highly sensitive to some emotions.

n  Karmic energy-fields or engagements of the Heavenly energy-beings may not allow certain emotions to emerge.
l  Emotions do not fit the situation.
l  Although you want to cry, you cannot cry.
l  Although you are in a sad situation, you cannot feel sad.
l  Even if you want to laugh, you cannot laugh.
l  You feel like you should get angry, but cannot show any anger at all.

n  Sometimes certain emotions are amplified by karmic energy-fields or the interruption of the Heavenly energy beings.
l  You smile too much.
l  You continue to make a silly laugh.
l  You show an excessive anger.
l  You continue to feel fear and dread.
l  You constantly feel anxiety and nervousness.
l  You feel energy of a fidget.
l  You are constantly exposed to depression and a lethargic emotion.

The human emotions are made of energies. The human emotion is a special energy. The emotions you perceive are made through the intangible energy devices that produce the 12 type of human emotions. The human emotion is complex and subtle.

When the 12 different energies are gathered in the Simpo, then the interaction of the energies themselves gives rise to another new energies, which are associated with the complex and subtle human emotions. This new convolution in the Simpo produces a new energy different from the existing 12 energy sources, by which various emotions are created. Through this intertwining of the 12 energies, the human emotions are further subdivided and get more complex and diverse.

All processes are automatically operated so that the emotions and consciousness fitting the situation can be displayed properly. However, there are several cases when the higher-self needs to manually operate the implementation system for the human emotions as follows:

n  When very subtle and complex emotions are implemented,
n  When extreme fear and dread are expressed,
n  When certain emotional states are displayed constantly,
n  When emotional ups and downs are severely manifested,

The higher-self is a conscious energy-being who is responsible for supervising and controlling all the situations in which emotions and consciousness are embodied. As such, all the systems necessary for the implementation of emotions and consciousness are being supervised and maintained by the higher-self.

There are emotions that the higher-self can manage. On the other hand, there are emotions that the higher-self cannot implement. There are some types of consciousness that the higher-self can manage. However, there are also some kinds of consciousness that the higher-self cannot embody. 

You may be unable to implement certain emotions or consciousness or only be able to exhibit impaired ones, due to the disability caused by karmic energy-fields, the interference of energy-beings (such as ghost or angels in the darkness), or the content of your life program.

Emotions go ahead of thinking. Emotions precede consciousness. Emotions precede reasoning. As such, emotions resemble the ego's energy considerably, a symbol of human desire.

The mind is born when the energies of consciousness and emotions are integrated. Emotions precede consciousness more often than the situations in which consciousness go ahead of emotions. It is about time that mankind should ponder over whether to fill its mind with the energy of emotion or with the energy of consciousness.

It is the human nature that humans want to do what they want and want to live at their own discretions. If we want to live of our own accords, we will have to go back to a fundamental question of how to integrate and coordinate consciousness and emotions.

Thinking is energy. Consciousness is energy. Emotions are energy. Pride and conceit are also energy. Sadness and joy are energy. The sum of all the energies of emotions and consciousness is the mind.

The cultivation of the mind does not mean taking a lotus posture, chanting mantras, and reciting the words and scriptures of the past or present spiritual masters. Mind cultivation is learning the skills of energy-handling. Mind cultivation means obtaining by oneself the skills to deal with the energy of emotions, the energy of consciousness, and the energy of the mind.

Mind cultivation means understanding the truth that everything is a world of energy and also learning how to deal with the energies generated from you.

Mind cultivation is learning that everything is a world of energy and that everything that happens in others is also an action of energy. If you are engaged in cultivating your mind, you are on the way to understanding that both good and bad are all  energies, joy and sorrow are the actions of energies, and happiness or misfortune are all the actions of energies.

The mind is energy. To control your mind is to know how to deal with the energy that comes from you. Also, mind control is knowing that the negative energies coming from the outside or from others are the energies that come out and disappear.

The best way of mind cultivation is becoming an energy alchemist who can deal with energy of his own accord.

July 6, 2018.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Twinflame. Edited by Metrica.


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