The Providence of the Heaven

The Heaven is not the Heaven of anyone. The Heaven is not the Heaven for someone. The Heaven is the one for all of us. The Heaven exists for all of us living under the Heaven. The Heaven is fair and impartial to all creatures.

There is no Heaven just for Udeka. The Heaven only for “the Tree of Life in the Light” does not exist anywhere in the Heaven. At their current level of consciousness, at the level of their cosmic ranks, at the level of their religious faith and consciousness, people just believe that their unique Heaven is right.

The Heaven does not exist only for those who believe in the Heaven. For those who do not believe in the presence of the Heaven, the Heaven exists as well. Only for those who touch the heart of the Heaven, the Heaven does not exist.

Whether they are in sympathy with the Heart of the Heaven or not, the Heaven treats all the lives and spirit-souls with fairness and justice.

Do not try too hard to touch the Heart of the Heaven. Do not tell that only the Heaven believed by yourself and known to yourself is true. The Heavens are as varied as the number of people and the Heavens exist at so many different hierarchies just as the levels of human consciousness do. Do not hurt other’s minds to gain the will of the Heaven. Do not ignore other’s opinions just because you have gained the Providence of the Heaven.

Would you believe in the Heaven, if the Heaven is with you? If you really believe that the Heaven stands by you, for those whom you think of bad person, and for those whom you hate and despise, respect equally their Heavens they believe in. If you understand with your head and heart that the Heaven is nobody’s side, please respect those who talk about the different Heavens from yours. Respect those who believe in the different Heavens from yours as they are. The Heaven is only fair to all.

The wicked has his own share of the Heaven as much as the good man. All the humans have the same size of shares of the Heaven. All the living creatures have just same size of their own shares for the Heaven.

Do not think that the Heaven is on your side forever. Just as the energy of the Heaven moves so smoothly, the energy of Earth circulates properly as well. At their current level of consciousness, at the level of evolution for spirit-souls, reflecting each one’s Cosmic Rank, everyone just live under the Heaven as much as it is allowed to each one.

Do not work too hard to move the Heart of the Heaven. From the beginning, it is so planned that we are destined to know each one’s own Heaven on the route of spiritual evolution.

Do not try too hard to touch the Mind of the Heaven. At the center of life, the Heart of the Heaven exists. In the human’s mind, the Heart of the Heaven is pervasive as well. Do not work too hard to get other’s mind by touching the will of the Heaven. Do not try too hard to touch the Heart of the Heaven by getting the human’s mind.

It is because the way the Heaven has set by itself is the Heart of the Heaven. Do not try too hard to touch the Heart of the Heaven. Understand the way the Heaven works and understand the fair way of the Heaven. In the way the Heaven has set by itself, the Law of the Great Universe and the Source-Creator’s consciousness exist.

The way that the Heaven has set by itself, it is the Heart of the Heaven, the Law of the Great Universe, and the Order of the Great Universe.

The way that the Heaven has set by itself, it is carved in every living creature and every spirit-soul.

The reason why your spirit-soul is experiencing the material world on the planet Earth at this moment, your spirit-soul knows it very well.

The Heart of the Heaven knows it enough well at the level of your spiritual evolution.

All the living creatures are living as creatures because they are in the Heart of the Heaven. And thus they are enjoying “the Pleasures of Life”.

As much as promised to your spirit-soul, the Heart of the Heaven shall be realized as the Providence of the Heaven.

All the living creatures under the Heaven are the precious beings that are living with the Heart of the Heaven.

We see the Heart of the Heaven is spreading in every life.

In the joy of life, in the pleasure of life, in the agony and pain of life, the Heart of the Heaven is always together.

March 11, 2018.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Yang-Woon. Edited by Metrica.
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