The Final Unravelment on Feeling

Feeling is the language of spirit-soul. 
Spirit-soul communicate with each other via feeling.

Feeling is the exchange of information and intercourse of energy.

Feeling is knowing by itself.
Feeling is intuition.

Feeling is the exchanged energy between spirit-souls, between lives.

That someone is not completely out of sync with you means the hierarchies of spirit-souls are mutually different.

It also means the concerns of spirit-souls are mutually different.
It means the matrices installed in spirit-souls are mutually different.

As each spirit-soul is on the different track of evolution, as the hierarchies of experiences are mutually different, dissimilarities in feelings are induced.

We see and hear the same thing under the same sky and at the same hour, but what is felt by each one is different.

In feeling, there is depth and strength.
The hierarchy of spirit-soul determines the quantity and quality of feeling.

In every corner of life, we may sense, previse, and judge something through feelings.

In one time, we judge logically.
In another time, we are led to feelings and make a decision.  

The older a spirit-soul is, the more the spirit-soul knows by itself.
As the cosmic rank of a spirit-soul is higher, the intuitive power gets more strength.

A spirit-soul can’t access to the information of universe which is beyond the dimension of the spirit-soul’s cosmic rank.   

Feeling is the language of spirit-soul which can destroy the wall of dimension and open up the door of dimension.

Knowing by itself means we can open up the door of dimension.

Truth is energy just like wind.
Truth is energy of dimension.
Truth is information of dimension.
Truth is mutual resonation of feelings.

Truth is energy.
You may hear truth, but the truth is not necessarily accepted by you.
You may resonate with a specific knowledge.
You may be attracted to some music, a woman.
You may be impressed deeply by someone’s speech.
You may be touched by a message.
All of these are possible only when the energy (feeling) is already in you.
Only in this case, you can resonate with the thing, event or person.

Resonating with some outer energy (music, truth, information, message) means you have the energy which can resonate with the outer energy inside you in the form of memory or information stored in your spirit-soul.
Only in this case, you can feel and sense the outer energy and then resonate, accept it.

Truth is not finding but resonating.

Truth is not seeking outside, but recalling what exists inside you.
Truth is knowing by itself.
You just give a meaning to truth which came to you through feeling.

Knowing by itself means the universal information you have brought is activated and sensed as subtle feeling.

Knowing by itself reflects the final score of a spirit-soul’s material experience.

Knowing by itself signals the spirit-soul is mature and old.

Knowing by itself may occur to anybody, although the degree may be varying depending upon the consciousness hierarchy of the spirit-soul.

November 3, 2017.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Metrica.
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