The Final Unravelment on Impaired Soul

Soul is the partner of spirit. Soul is a special energy which is granted to every spirit travelling the material world. Even for the angels who are working for the Heaven as energy-beings, their spirits are also on the spiritual journey together with their souls.

The reason why soul-consciousness is installed for spirit is that spirit could enjoy the material experience more fully with various feelings and energies. Thus, spiritual journey becomes more thrilling, exciting and dramatic by the partnership of soul energy.

Plants and animals have soul energy. The matrix of light, darkness and intermediate, which is installed in soul energy, operates as a sort of obstacle. This matrix determines the quality and quantity of penetrated lights, and index of refraction. In total, 360 different types of application programs are used to operate the soul-energy for each matrix. That is, 360 application programs for the matrix of light. Another 360 programs for the matrix of darkness. Also similar for the matrix of intermediate.

For soul-energy of plants and animals, far simpler soul programs are installed than for mankind. If we want to communicate with plants and animals, the soul programs which makes us to connect with the soul-consciousness of plants and animals, should be built in our soul-consciousness.

Spirit-Soul-Baek transmigrates. The material experience of spirit-soul can’t afford to escape from karmas. The energy of karma leaves the greatest effects on soul-energy. It also affects the Baek-energy. On the contrary, the spirit-energy, which is granted from the Creator, is not affected by the various events in material journey. After death, the energies of soul and Baek take enough rests and healings in the astral plane (5th dimension), while preparing for the next re-incarnation.  

Tragic and falsely charged death gives big impact upon the soul-energy in the course of death, producing dreadful energies in a spirit-soul’s memory. When one’s stubborn belief system collapses, one is betrayed by right-hand man, or emotions of love is suddenly diverted to strong addictions, the soul-energy is impaired most severely.

For instance, when a politician who failed in revolution is executed to death by being cut off his waist, the fears and horrors felt by his spirit-soul goes beyond our imagination. When a spirit-soul can’t accept its death as the natural order of life or the law of the universe, the spirit-soul leaves karma and its soul gets severely damaged.

After death, the spirit gets to know that its unfair and unacceptable death was its destiny and it was a necessary experience for its spiritual evolution. After all, the spirit acknowledges and takes all the things so naturally. And the spirit is ready for next re-incarnation.

The soul can’t implement high level of consciousness. Although its clothes (avatar’s body) is already dead, the soul does not accept the death and still stick to the situations surrounding its death. In this process, the soul-energy is severely damaged and the damaged part of soul-energy continues to adhere to the past events in the astral plane, albeit it has to participate in the preparation of next life in collaboration with its partner spirit. 

In this way, a part of soul-energy is still located in the astral plane, creating its own holographic world and refusing to re-unite with its original soul-energy. We call this damaged soul-energy locked in the astral plane as “the Impaired Soul”.

The hell and heaven, which is frequently dealt in various religions and stories, is nothing but the holographic world which is created in the astral plane, where all the impaired soul-energies stay and get together. The spirit is free from karma. But the soul has to endure karma fully. In death, the soul creates impaired soul-energy in astral plane.

In preparing for the next re-incarnation, the spirit don’t substitute another new soul for the original partner soul. This is because a spirit shares its spiritual journey together with its partner soul for at least so many millions years long. Therefore, the spirit takes the partner soul which is damaged with its impaired soul-energy locked in the astral plane. 

That is to say, the original soul energy as its whole energy (100%) can’t re-unite with its partner spirit. Of course, in the healing process of the soul-energy, the impaired soul-energy is healed but it may not be perfect.  

As far as the degree of damages felt by the soul is bigger, the harder is the purification process for the impaired soul-energy. In the case that the impaired soul-energy is caused by the public karma, its purification may be easier. But if it is caused by the private karma, then its purification process will be much harder.

The Hell, Purgatory and Heaven mean the special areas (holographic world) which are built in the astral plane by so many impaired soul-energies. The Hell, Purgatory and Heaven do not exist as the reality.  

The purification process of impaired soul-energy may take several ten years or several thousand years long. The bigger is the impaired soul-energy, the stronger are the side-effects for the avatar. This side-effects may cause schizophrenia, tristimania, or mental disorder for the avatar.

As your spirit is sacred and was granted from the Creator, it is never damaged by your experiences on earth. But the soul-energy can be locked in the matrix (prison) of impaired soul in the astral plane with its 50 percent at maximum. 

On the contrary, the energy of Baek can be recovered through the healing process in the astral plane with at least 70 percent recovery. The 30 percent of Baek energy not cured in the healing process is manifested as the form of various diseases for the avatar in the course of transmigration. In this way, the karma is dissolved through re-incarnations.

There is no hell or heaven after death. If it exists, then it is the holographic (NOT REAL) world in the astral plane which was created by the impaired soul. The bigger is locked in the astral plane an avatar’s soul energy, the harder becomes the avatar’s current life. This is because the avatar’s impaired soul-energy locked in the astral plane continues to affect the avatar’s soul-consciousness in this life.

Now in the very corner of the Earth’s dimensional ascension, most of the astral spaces which have been occupied by the uncountably many impaired soul-energies have been demolished by the Government of Heaven. All the impaired soul-energies caused by the public karmas have been cleared off. Only the impaired soul-energies brought about by the private karmas are still working for the mankind to pay back their karmas.

The Light-Workers have brought the Cosmic Karmas into the Earth, bearing the Cross of the Great Universe on their backs. This is why they have larger public and private karmas on their shoulders. Now they have to dissolve all their karmas before the dimensional ascension of the Earth.

This is why your life has been so boring, trouble-some and tough.

Good luck to every Light-Worker.

November 10, 2017.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Metrica.
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