Operating mechanism of the meridian system 8 - Circulation of “Pyo-Rhi” and three cycles in the meridian system
The “Pyo-Rhi” circulation of meridian system, which is
about the relationship between the exterior and interior meridian routes, is very complicated compared to “Jang-Bu Sang-Tong” (the
direct meridian interaction among the internal organs).
The energy exchange in “Jang-Bu Sang-Tong” means the
energy circulation occurring in the same layers of meridian routes. The
“Pyo-Rhi” relation considers the energy circulation which occurs between
meridian routes lying in different layers, e.g., between a meridian route in
the exterior layer and a meridian route in the interior layer.
The circulation of meridian system in the “Pyo-Rhi” relationship
is called the circulation of “Yung-Ki(營氣; operating energy)”, which constitutes circulation in the twelve
meridian system. Jong-Ki(宗氣; the most prominent energy), which is the energy
clustered at “Dan-jung(膻中; acupoint which is
located in the middle of chest)”, is transformed into “Yung-Ki” by the magnetic
forces generated in heart. Yung-Ki circulates 50
times a day through the meridian routes of a triple layered structure.
“Wi-Ki(衛氣; guardian energy)” diverged
from Jong-Ki is managed by lung and circulates through the outer layer in body
(e.g., skin). The circulation of Wi-Ki is different from that of Yung-Ki. Wi-Ki
circulates 50 times a day along the passage routes which takes the form of mesh.
The passage route for Wi-Ki is like a tube with two layers.
The energy flow in the meridian routes with different
layers is depicted as the following table.
The circulation order in the twelve meridian routes
are as follows:
n “The First Cycle in the meridian system”:
Ø Lung meridian(LU) → Large intestine meridian(LI) → Stomach meridian(ST) → Spleen meridian(SP)
n “The Second Cycle in the meridian system”:
Ø Heart meridian(HT) → Small intestine meridian(SI) → Bladder meridian(BL) → Kidney meridian(KI)
n “The Third Cycle in the meridian system”:
Ø Pericardium meridian(PC) → Triple energizer meridian(TE) → Gallbladder meridian(GB) → Liver meridian(LR)
The energy circulation in the twelve meridian routes
may be further explained in terms of layer and its characteristics as
n “The First Cycle”: coordination of “Jo-Seup(燥濕; dryness-dampness)”
Ø Tae-Eum (Pyo; superficial) → Yang-Myung (Rhi; deep) → Tae-Eum (Pyo; superficial)
n “The Second Cycle”: coordination of “Han-Yul(寒熱; chill-heat)”
Ø So-Eum (Ban-Pyo & Ban-Rhi) → Tae-Yang (Pyo; superficial) → So-Eum (Ban-Pyo & Ban-Rhi)
n “The Third Cycle”: coordination of “Poong-Hwa(風火;
Ø Gwol-Eum (Rhi; deep) → So-Yang (Ban-Pyo & Ban-Rhi)
→ Gwol-Eum (Rhi; deep)
Yung-Ki circulates in the meridian system in
accordance with the timeline of Chun-Ki(天氣; Heavenly Lights) which come
into human body sequentially everyday. For the first cycle, let’s illustrate it
further for example. Tae-Eum meridians circulates throughout the exterior layer
and are connected to Yang-Myung meridians in the interior layer. The energy of
Yang-Myung meridians flow into Tae-Eum meridians in the exterior layer again. The
energy exchange between exterior and interior meridian routes is called the
circulation of Pyo-Rhi (the exterior and interior meridian routes): in other
words, it may be described as followings: The exterior layer → the interior layer → the exterior layer.
The circulation of Pyo-Rhi (the exterior and interior meridian
routes) may be summarized as follows:
n “The First Cycle”
Ø Energy exchange between Tae-Eum and Yang-Myung
meridian routes
Ø This cycle coordinates the function of energy which
has properties of dryness and dampness in human body
Ø Energy exchange between the exterior and interior
n “The second cycle”
Ø Energy exchange between So-Eum and Tae-Yang meridians routes
Ø This cycle coordinates the function of energy which
has properties of chill and heat in human body
Ø Energy exchange between the Semi-exterior & Semi-interior
layer and exterior layer
n “The third cycle”
Ø Energy exchange between Gwol-Eum and So-Yang meridian
Ø This cycle coordinates the function of energy which
has properties of wind and fire in human body
Ø Energy exchange between the interior layer and Semi-exterior
& Semi-interior layer
The circulations in the twelve meridian routes supply Jung-Ki,
Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki which have characteristics of wind-coldness-heat-dampness-dryness-fire
in the different layers of the meridian system. Notice that the twelve meridian
routes do not flow in order from Lung meridian (LU) to Liver meridian (LR).
Rather, the three meridian cycles are circulating simultaneously. For example,
from 5:00 am to 7:00 am, when Lung meridian is activated, the first cycle to which
Lung meridian belongs, is activated much more.
That is to say, in large frame the energy flows from
Lung meridian to Liver meridian. But at the same time, energies also circulate
in each cycle. In this way, the three cycles of meridian routes are connected
to each other. This is the secret of the meridian system embedded in the life
circuit diagram of Homo-Sapiens.
July 7, 2017.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Buchae-Dosa. Edited by Metrica.
(Contact Us: metrica@naver.com)
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