The Secret of Heaven #8: the Supervisor of dimension

Heaven is not kind. Heaven is taking huge efforts in maintaining, repairing and managing the matrix. To make the play more realistic and dramatic, the minimal information only is disclosed. Heaven is operating the Cosmic Academy, hiding the invisible worlds and the way of Heaven’s working.

In this way, Heaven is blocking all the star-gates – which is open to the Earth – to make the inhabitants on the planet Earth live blindly just like the frogs in a well without knowing anything. The Supervisory Group is in charge of this job.

The Brothers in Darkness – who maintain and manage the matrix of material – are directed and controlled behind the scene by this group. Also the non-material forms such as angels, ghosts, dragons and angels in darkness are managed by the Supervisory group.

In the worlds of material (below the 12th dimension), the Supervisory group exists in the even dimensions. In the worlds of non-material, the ordinary Supervisory group exists in the 12th and 14th dimensions. But this Supervisory group of non-material worlds is further directed by another Supervisory group which is the direct family line of the Creator and exists in the odd dimensions.

The direct family line of the Creator supervises the Supervisory group of the non-material worlds in the 13th, 15th and 17th dimension respectively. The direct family line of the Creator in the dimension of 11, 9, 7 and 5 is the Supervisor of the material worlds and they represent the Government of Heaven. Even though they are the direct family line of the Creator, they are again in the control of the Supervisory group of the material world, who exist in the even dimensions.

Among the Supervisory groups, the discipline of giving and taking orders is strict. They work as the military forces in the worlds of materials. The direct line of the Creator in the worlds of non-materials command the space vehicle armed with high-tech heavy fires and controls stellar systems and galaxies. This is the nature of Heaven.

Heaven is not kind as they work in the strict information control just like the military forces. The purpose of this strict control is to support the Creator’s sovereign and to make the great universe grow and proceed in the balance and harmony.  

The material worlds (first ~ 11th dimension) are each divided into 15 levels. The worlds above the 4th dimension are not visible and the Supervisory groups exist in the 15th level of each even dimension. In the non-material worlds of 12th ~ 15th dimensions (the world of “Tae-Geuk”), the supreme Supervisory group exists in the 15th level of 14th dimension. In the non-material worlds of 16th ~ 18th dimensions (the world of “Mu-Geuk”), each Supervisory group exists in 18th level of each dimension. For example, the 16th dimensional world is supervised in 18th level of 16th dimension. The 18th dimensional world is supervised in 18th level of 18th dimension.

This is the nature of Heaven, which could not be imagined nor understood. Neither has it been disclosed to anyone. Now it is the time of revelation. As the time when the Earth should join the ONENESS consciousness of the great universe, Udeka writes this message for records.  

July 26, 2016.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Metrica.


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