11. The Sealing on Meridian System

The Avonal Group is the great spirits in 13th dimensional consciousness. As they have such a high energy, it is inevitable for them to reduce their energy down and down in order to come down to the lower dimensions. The number of the great spirits of Avornal Group who manage and direct the 1.2 million Spiritual Hierarchies of Heaven in the Nebadon Galaxy amounts to 1,062. They are actively participating in the evolution of the Cosmos in the form of direct materializations or energy body.

It is an usual case that the great spirits come down to the lower dimensions with a sort of energy sealing. Through out the Light Healing on our body and the enlightenment of the chakra system, we could find that the energy sealing is more robust and severe as the original dimension of the spirits is higher. For example, let's look at a members of our cafe, 'Gift of the God'. We found out that his energy sealing is built in a rock-solid form of the pyramid in pyramid.

Both of the descending and ascending spirits have some kind of energy sealing in the two meridian points - that is the 'Bubbling Spring' located on the sole and the 'Palace of Toil' in the palm. We call this the sealing in meridian system. With only the 7 chakra* awakening, this sealing of meridian system could never be unlocked. Only the full 12 chakra** enlightenments could open the door of the sealing in meridian system as a first step. For the spirits having a sealing in meridian system, once the 12 chakra system enlightened, the awakening level of consciousness is also gradually escalated.

* Note 1 : The classical classification of our chakra system in our body, which include root(1), navel(2), spleen(3), heart(4), throat(5), brow(6), crown(7) (Inserted by the translator to help readers)

** Note 2 : In addition to the 7 chakra, 4 chakras are included. The 'Palace of Toil' in the left and right palm(8,9) and the 'Bubbling Spring' on the left and right sole(10,11) are the 4 chakras. The last one is the 'Chest Center' chakra(12), which is located on the chest in the anterior midline, at the midpoint of the line connecting both nipples. (Inserted by the translator to help readers)

The activation of our chakra system is the first step to unlock the sealed recollections in our spirits. The enlightenment of 12 chakra system means activation of the crucial 12 energy portals in our body. The 12 chakras are the central points for activating another 144 energy portals. If the energy sealing in the 12 chakra system is lifted, then the vortex energy - the grid of energy network - in our body is activated.

In the oriental tradition of medicine, the chakra activation means the enlightenment of all the acupunctural points in the meridian system. Every cell in our body vibrates with lights and our body becomes the light body, which is evidenced by the brightness in our aura energy. Also it is revealed by the strength or luminance emanated from the 'Palace of Toil' or the 'Bubbling Spring'.

If the 7 chakra system is activated, a radiant route of lights from the crown(Sahasrara) to the root(Muladhara) chakra is built. Usually it takes the form of light pillar with about 20 cm diameter, which compares roughly to 2/3 portion of our body. Once the light pillar constructed, it will not be closed down by itself. The connection of the 12 chakras might make an impact on the sealing of meridian system. Thus, the sealing could get broken and hence the capability of our brain could be invigorated, which leads to the improvement of IQ up to 250~280.

For a descending spirit, from higher dimension as he gets down, he has energy to blocking of limit of their capability. This energy sealing will not be open by the awakening of the 12 chakra system. The enlightenment of our chakra system is nothing but an initiation to raise up the frequency of vibrations in our body. Most of the potential capability programmed to be used in 3 dimensional life are preserved and sealed. When it is in the fullness of time and eventually the time of manifesting each one's genuine capability has come, it is this time that we need the co-work of Udeka and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Heaven to re-activate the sealed capabilities.

Please be aware that the connection of the chakra system is nothing but an entry level to recovering their genuine(but sealed) clairvoyance. The most crucial step comes after activation of the chakra system. It is the gift from Heaven that is the most essential and important breakthrough. The gift is given to the Light Workers who deserves to be. And it is related to unlocking sealed capabilities like the supernatural and psychic power of seeing beyond (clairvoyance), channeling or communicating with animals and plants (telepathy), etc.

October 21, 2014
Translated by Metrica

Udeka writes.


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