
The Features of Karmic Energy-Fields and Principles of their Installation

  The Features of Karmic Energy-Fields  and Principles of their Installation <1>  Karma is made by overusing one’s free-will during the journey of one’s spirit-soul in the material world. Karmic energy is not created by humans eating plants and animals as food, which is just a basic process of the circulation of life. Karmic Energy only occurs when you seriously invade the free will of another person, to prove that your beliefs are right and to fulfill your desires. <2>  Here are several real examples:   ◼  skilled archer tended to aim arrows at only the eyes of his enemies on battlefields for the purpose of showing off his skills and enjoys the suffering of his victims, leading to the creation of karmic energy. Then, when he needs to dissolve this karma in his next life, he will be caught in the karmic energy-field that locks him in the very posture that he made to shoot arrows at his enemies in his previous life. <2-1>  ◼   A person with a sadistic tendency

The Full Moon’s Effects on Human Bodies

  The Full Moon’s Effects on Human Bodies Small grasses, such as flowers and grains are called Eul-Mog ( 乙木 ; the plants with the relatively strong Eum energy), because they are said to grow in the moonlight. Trees are called Gahb-Mog ( 甲木 ; the plants with the relatively strong Yang energy), because they are said to grow in the sunlight. In the moonlight, all the plants grow. In the moonlight, all the animals grow and control their reproduction. People who are heavily influenced by the moon are called Eum-Ihn ( 陰人 ; people with the relatively strong Eum energy). Women are relatively emotional than men. The moon affects the bodies of women more sensitively than the men. Depending on the shape of the moon, the period and aspects of women’s menstruations vary. When you have a peace of mind and assimilate with nature, the menstrual period follows the full moon cycle, and menstrual pain decreases. However, when you don’t have any room in mind and feel anxious, the menstrual period foll

[Life Tree TV] The principle of “Jang Bu Sang Tong(臟腑相通)”

  The principle of “Jang-Bu-Sang-Tong ( 臟腑相通 )”  In the human body, there are many kinds of circulation through the meridian routes as follows: ①     the circulation of the Twelve Main Meridians, also known as the circulation of Yung-Ki ( 營氣 ) or the circulation of Pyo-Rhi ( 表裏 ; the superficial and the deep layer) ②     the circulation of Wi-Ki ( 衛氣 ; the Guardian energy which circulates in the outer area of body to protect skin), governed by the Lung ③     the circulation of “the Eight Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridians ( 奇經八脈 )” including the Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈 , Im-Maek, Sea of Eum) and the Governor Vessel (GV; 督脈 , Dok-Maek, Sea of Yang) ④     the Wiji-Large Meridian ( 胃之大絡 ; the meridian route related to the energy cycle among the stomach, the liver, and the kidney ) ⑤     the Biji-Large Meridian ( 脾之大絡 ; the meridian route related to the energy cycle among the spleen, the heart, and the lung) ⑥     Other meridian routes which are not identified or explain