
Case Study of the MCIS 7: Mr. MAHA

From now on, we’ll start the Zero-Point Adjustment of Mr. MAHA’s “Distorted Conceit and Arrogance” MCIS. Analysis of Mr. MAHA’s MCIS 1. MCIS Imbalance The most idealistic MCIS is the following: Emotion Cords and Consciousness Cords that are not distorted are connected to a stable Meta-board, where energies (information) are processed without distortions. Then integrated information is derived from the Meta-board and goes to the brain. At last, the information is correctly recognized in the brain. But Mr.MAHA’s MCIS has the following distortions: The Meta-board and the Emotion Cords are hardly activated. His MCIS has been operated almost by the Consciousness Cords and the brain. Because there was little use of the Meta-board, it was difficult to think objectively and comprehensively, only resulting in his own way of thinking. But the brain didn’t know this situation, and just recognized the information as an objective thought. In reality, this struc

Case Study of the MCIS 6: Mr. TV

From now on, we’ll start the Zero-point Adjustment of Mr. TV’s MCIS (“Misleading Judgment and Lack of Emotion”). Analysis of Mr. TV’s MCIS 1. Monotonous Thinking System and Framework of Single-minded Thinking He interprets various situations in his own way, not in objective and impartial way. So his analysis of the situation is distorted often, resulting in a gap (misunderstanding) with other people. The cause of his monotonous thinking system is rooted in the following factors: l   The problem of the Meta-board (version and type) l   Abnormal setting of the cognitive area in the brain l   Structural problem of the Conscious Cord: the cord lines for transcendental and conceptual thinking are very narrow, making it difficult to supply energy at normal levels. 2. Simple and Dry Emotion System with Poor Empathy The Emotion Cord lines are narrow, thin, and have no clear shape. Emotion energies entering the Meta-board through the Emotion Cord lines

Case Study of the MCIS 5: Mr. ZERO

Analysis of Mr. ZERO’s MCIS From now on, we’ll start the Zero-point Adjustment of Mr. ZERO’s “Goldfish-level” MCIS. 1. Mr. Zero’s brain Mr. Zero’s brain is like a balloon bread, which means there is no room to store any information. As soon as the information gets to the brain, the information is immediately volatile. So his memory is like a goldfish, which forgets memory as soon as it turns around. 2. the Meta-Board The general public’s Meta-board specification is version 4, the genius’ is version 5. But Mr. ZERO’s Meta-board is very low with version 2.5. In the channeler’s visionary images, his Meta-board is old and dark, and occasionally flashes lights on the sensors. This makes him difficult do analytical and comprehensive thinking. 3. The Emotion Cord lines The Emotion Cord lines are complicated. The energy supply from Emotion Cord is also fluctuating and erratic. The closer the energy comes to the Meta-board, the more exaggerated and increased

Case Study of the MCIS 4: Mr. AXE

Analysis of Mr. AXE’s MCIS Mr. AXE’s MCIS (Meta Consciousness Implementation System) is set to accept lights in bulk. In other words, a whole stack of light comes into MCIS through Baeg-Hwe ( 百會 : GV20), but his MCIS couldn’t accept and analyze the light in detail. So to speak, when the net of sieve is too large, too many grains are sifted out, and when the net of sieve is too fine, too many chaffs are not sifted out. The MCIS of Mr. AXE has such a structural contradiction, like a sieve that filters the information very poorly. 1. Inefficient Structure to absorb light The first gate that light enters through Baeg-Hwe is set to be large but the tube that accepts the light into the body is very narrow. So the actual usage is very small. Therefore, no matter how much light comes in, it cannot be stored efficiently. 2. Lack of Subtlety in Thinking When light enters in bulk, Mr. AXE’s MCIS doesn’t have the analytical unit that can divide the light finely. So, his

Case Study of the MCIS 3: Mr. KHAN

The following is a record of the Zero-Point Adjustment of Mr. KHAN’s MCIS. From now on, we’ll start the Zero-Point Adjustment of Mr. KHAN’s “Cold and Tight” MCIS. Analysis of Mr. KHAN’s MCIS 1. A Tight and Cold MCIS His MCIS is like an automated system that is calculated according to established rules, no matter what information is received. He has an inflexible thinking system where the result must be “1” when “1” is entered. So, unfortunately it’s difficult to find creativity in him. 2. Rough Meta-board If other’s opinion does not fit within the framework of his own thinking, he does not hear it at all and dismisses it as wrong. 3. Dry and Simple Information Processing Emotion Cords and Consciousness Cords supply Meta-board with quantified energy solely according to established rules, the content of which is not delicate. So other people feel him as a tight and dry person, rather than as a careful and warm person. The Zero-Point Adjustmen

Case Study of the MCIS 2: Mr. RICE TREE

Analysis of Mr. RICE TREE’s MCIS 1. Egocentric Thinking Mr. RICE TREE’s thinking structure has "I" at the center and the surrounding elements are formed at the center. When “Wonder and Miracle Team” of the Heaven healed his MCIS in the past, they asked him to change “I” to “We”. But even now the basis for starting all the thinking is set to “I”. In the channeler’s visionary images, the height of the terminals that respond to information coming from the outside of Meta-board is not uniform. There are terminals that respond first to any information, and these terminals seem to take external information first and draw their own conclusions. 2. Narrow Scope of Thinking He may think his thinking system is broad and quick to recognize, but in reality “The scope of thinking is narrow”. That is, he doesn’t understand other people’s positions and other ways of thinking. But he can’t get away from the ground he’s been thinking and he still thinks that’s all. “