
The Final Unravelment on the Consciousness of the Creator

The universe was created by the Consciousness of the Creator. The universe exists in the Consciousness of the Creator. The evolution of the universe is the expansion of the Consciousness of the Creator. Material and non-material worlds in the universe are the world of consciousness that the Creator has unfolded. Light and Darkness were born by the Consciousness of the Creator. Time and space were created by the Consciousness of the Creator. Living creatures were created by the Consciousness of the Creator. The Consciousness of the Creator is the energy of the Creator. The integration of all the energies present in the universe is the substance and true nature of the Creator. Consciousness has its own hierarchies. Energy has the spectrum. Layers of consciousness determine layers of energy. That is, the spectrum of energy is due to the layers of consciousness. As there are the spectrum of energy, energy could be differentiated into color, Ki, and light. The material world

The Providence of the Heaven

The Heaven is not the Heaven of anyone. The Heaven is not the Heaven for someone.  The Heaven is the one for all of us. The Heaven exists for all of us living under the Heaven. The Heaven is fair and impartial to all creatures. There is no Heaven just for Udeka. The Heaven only for “the Tree of Life in the Light” does not exist anywhere in the Heaven. At their current level of consciousness, at the level of their cosmic ranks, at the level of their religious faith and consciousness, people just believe that their unique Heaven is right. The Heaven does not exist only for those who believe in the Heaven. For those who do not believe in the presence of the Heaven, the Heaven exists as well. Only for those who touch the heart of the Heaven, the Heaven does not exist. Whether they are in sympathy with the Heart of the Heaven or not, the Heaven treats all the lives and spirit-souls with fairness and justice. Do not try too hard to touch the Heart of the Heaven. Do

The Final Unravelment on God ­­– The Return of the Gods

At the level of human consciousness, we believe that God blesses us and stands by us all day around as a helper for our family's health and happiness. At the level of human consciousness, God is perceived as an external being, judging or forgiving our sins. At the level of human consciousness, God is regarded as a special being, giving us the spiritual enlightenment or special capabilities such as healing power and the ability to see the future, which others do not have. At the level of human consciousness, after removing all the bad things that humans have, only clean and pure things remain, which we call the property of God. At the level of human consciousness, God is believed to be in the Heaven, knowing everything as an omniscient and omnipotent being. At the level of human consciousness, God is known to be a transcendent being, ruling the universe with energy of love, mercy, and compassion. At the level of human consciousness, God exists in all things in na

The Final Unravelment on the 12 Source Spirits

The world of Mu-Geug ( 無極 ; the Ultimate Emptiness) is the world consisting of 16 th , 17 th and 18th dimension. The world of Mu-Geug consists of 18 levels in each dimension. All the spiritual beings from level 1 up to level 18 in each dimension of Mu-Geug are assisted by the 12 Source Spirits. Through the assistance of the 12 Source Spirits, the world of Mu-Geug manages the Grand Universe, and is connected to the ONENESS. The 12 Source Spirits are as follows. n   The 1 st Source Spirit: the Ultimate Source Spirit l   It formed space. l   It is the origin of the 1 st tribe. n   The 2 nd Source Spirit l   It stemmed from the Infinite Spirit. l   It formed time. l   It is the origin of the 2 nd tribe. n   The 3 rd Source Spirit l   It stemmed from the Universal Father. l   It formed energy. l   It is the origin of the 3 rd tribe. n   The 4 th Source Spirit l   It stemmed from the Origin of Darkness, or the Omega. l   It formed dark m