The Heaven has come down to the ground
On 12 December 2017, the chief administrative groups in the universe have come down to the ground. Their missions are to direct the dimensional ascension of the Earth, help the Earth to complete the role of experimental planet and seed planet, manage the termination of material civilizations, construct the new spiritual civilizations, and support the ones who will realize the will of the Heaven on the ground. On 12 December 2017, the Heaven has come down to the ground. The authority of directing the dimensional ascension of the Earth was granted to the ground. It also means the emergence of Sam-Hwang ( 三皇 ; Trinity Emperor) and Mi-Reuk ( 彌勒 ; Maitreya, Bodhisattva). The authority to order the 144,000 Light-Workers was given. The 18 avatars of the 18 Creators in the 18 th dimension have achieved BEING ONENESSS with their original spirits. The avatars of the 12 Great Spirits to assist the 18 avatars of the Creators in the 18 th dimension have achieved BEING ONENESSS wit...