41. Higher-self (1) - Supervisor of matrix
When the Brothers in Darkness – who belong to the matrix of darkness such as ghost, Satan and Devils – visit you, they enter your body in the coordination with your spirit-soul, your higher-self and the Government of Heaven. At this time, the coordinated contents are followings. The visiting duration of Ghosts and Devils is to be prepared and planned at the beginning stage, depending on the following; how many ghosts visit you and what you must learn. The visiting program varies from a few days or months to several decades. The higher-self has a leading role in the course of coordination among three counterparties (spirit-soul, higher-self, Government of Heaven). This coordination is continuously tuned in the course of program. The time of leaving is also determined by the active request of the higher-self. The energy sealing – which is necessary in life – is also coordinated by three counterparties. In the visit of light matrix such as guardian angels, dragons and guardians di...