The Constitutive Principle of Spirit-Soul-Baek
The universe exists as the Law of the Trinity. In the human body, the Law of Trinity exists as the energy of Spirit-Soul-Baek ( 靈魂魄 ). The Spirit is the energy with the highest vibrational frequency among spirit, soul and baek. Spirit consists of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, and the Thought Adjuster. When these three energies (the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, and the Thought Adjuster) are integrated into the one, a spirit is born in purity. The Spirit is the pure and noble energy in the universe. The Spirit of Truth is the energy of the Universal Father. The Spirit of Truth is the energy symbolizing the Heaven. The Holy Spirit is the energy of the Eternal Mother. The Holy Spirit is the energy symbolizing femininity. The thought adjuster is the Creator’s energy who presides the grand universe. In the human body, the spirit is located in the interdimensional space between the heart and spine, which is called Yung-Dae ( 靈臺 ; GV10). In the Oriental medicine...