
The Judicial Procedures of the Universe.

When spirits commit sins, they will leave behind karma, but they will not go to Hell. When spirits commit sins, they will be tried in the Cosmic Court, and some of them may be annihilated.   When spirits commit sins, they will lose the conscience that they have been given by the CREATOR and the love that they have been granted by the CREATOR.   As spirits commit more and more sins, they come to make more errors in manifesting their spirit-consciousness. As spirits commit more and more sins, they become materialists or communists.   The greater the sins of spirits, the more they deny the CREATOR. Spirits with very grave sins will be tried following the judicial procedures of the universe.   When angels commit sins in the Heaven, their work will be suspended. When angels commit sins in the Heaven, they will have problems manifesting their own spirit-consciousness. When angels commit sins in the Heaven, they will be stopped from carrying out their roles and duties and brou

The Analysis of the Dimensions of the Grand Universe

The Grand Universe is entering into its 7 th Major Cycle. The Grand Universe in the 7 th Major Cycle is composed of 19 Dimensions.   The Dimensions of the universe are an administrative unit through which the CREATOR governs the Grand Universe. The Dimensions of the universe refer to an administrative system created by the CREATOR to rule over the Grand Universe in the non-material world.   The Dimensions of the universe correspond to the Levels of Consciousness of the CREATOR formed according to the difference in the vibrational frequencies of various types of light created by the CREATOR to manage and operate the invisible Heavenly systems in the non-material world.   As the universe evolves, it needs more Dimensions. As the universe evolves, it has to have various Dimensions. As the universe evolves, it has to have various levels of consciousness.   As the universe evolves, it needs various inter-dimensional spaces. As the universe evolves, each Dimension of the un

The Differentiation of the Spirit and the Differentiation of Consciousness

The differentiation of the spirit is an administrative procedure taken in the Heaven for the spirit to come down to the earth and acquire the body of a life form.   The differentiation of the spirit takes place under the strict management and control of the Heaven. The Inter-Dimensional Co-Evolution of the spirit-soul is possible through spirit differentiation. Through spirit differentiation, one spirit can be differentiated into several smaller spirits to wear the bodies of life forms.   When a spirit differentiates part of itself into smaller spirits, these differentiated spirits can manifest the creativity of their original spirit as it is. When a spirit differentiates part of itself into smaller spirits, those differentiated spirits can radiate the vitality of their original spirit as it is. When a spirit differentiates part of itself into smaller spirits, these avatar spirits can display the uniqueness of their original spirit as it is.   An angel performs the Heavenly

Seven Cords of Yang-Baeg (良白: Benevolent Light) connected to the Heaven for Human Beings

The human body is connected to the Heaven through seven light passages for life penetrating the top of the human head. Among Western spirituality groups, it has been known as the Silver Cord or the 7 Rays of Life. Long ago in Korea, these 7 Light Passages for Life were called the Cords of Yang-Baeg ( 良白 : Benevolent Light). All seven Cords of Yang-Baeg ( 良白 ) are managed by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet Earth.   All living things are connected to the Heaven through “Light Passages for Life”. All living humans are connected to the Heaven through seven invisible cords. The seven cords connected to the Heaven, which are the cords for life to human beings, are as follows:   The first silver cord is connected to the Consciousness of the CREATOR, the Supreme Ruler of the Grand Universe. All life forms in the Grand Universe are connected to the Consciousness of the CREATOR through the first cord.   This first silver cord symbolizes that all living creatures are children of