
[Life Tree TV] The principle of “Jang Bu Sang Tong(臟腑相通)”

  The principle of “Jang-Bu-Sang-Tong ( 臟腑相通 )”  In the human body, there are many kinds of circulation through the meridian routes as follows: ①     the circulation of the Twelve Main Meridians, also known as the circulation of Yung-Ki ( 營氣 ) or the circulation of Pyo-Rhi ( 表裏 ; the superficial and the deep layer) ②     the circulation of Wi-Ki ( 衛氣 ; the Guardian energy which circulates in the outer area of body to protect skin), governed by the Lung ③     the circulation of “the Eight Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridians ( 奇經八脈 )” including the Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈 , Im-Maek, Sea of Eum) and the Governor Vessel (GV; 督脈 , Dok-Maek, Sea of Yang) ④     the Wiji-Large Meridian ( 胃之大絡 ; the meridian route related to the energy cycle among the stomach, the liver, and the kidney ) ⑤     the Biji-Large Meridian ( 脾之大絡 ; the meridian route related to the energy cycle among the spleen, the heart, and the lung) ⑥     Other meridian routes which are not identified or explain

[Life Tree TV] The Meaning of "the Life that you say you just live"

The Meaning of “the Life that you say you just live” When asked why they live, there are so many people saying that they are forced to live because they were thrown into the world suddenly. When asked how they live, a lot of people respond by saying they’re just living. When asked what the best way to live well is, they say, “I just live a life as it comes. Whose life is especially different from those of others on Earth?”   They say they just live because they can’t die. People are struggling so hard even to just live their lives.   You have probably met people saying that their dreams were to live as normal as others or that they wanted to live as normal as others. But as time goes by, you will see that even their lives that seemed special have no much difference from the life you have just lived.   It will not take long for you to learn that the worldly affairs do not occur as you want and that that is how life rolls. For those who cannot enjoy

[Life Tree TV] The Principles behind the Creation and Dissolution of Karma

The Principl es behind the Creation and Dissolution of Karma When a person is born, he is trapped in the time and space of his planet. Humans are trapped in the gravity of their planet from the moment they are born. Humans are trapped in the magnetic field of their planet from the moment they are born. From the moment human beings are born, they are trapped in the material matrix installed on their planet. The material matrix installed on a planet is different for each planet. Korean people have recognized the material matrix installed on a planet by the Heaven as Chun-La-Ji-Mang ( 天羅地網 ; a net laid out by the Heaven, which anything once caught can never escape from). From the moment human beings are born, they are trapped in Chun-La-Ji-Mang, which is a network the Heaven has unfolded in the material world on a planet. From the moment a person is born, he is meant to have the same destiny with the planet’s Spiritual Hierarchy. A human being is not free from his planetary karma fr

[Life Tree TV] The Reason Why Children Are Given Psychic Powers

  Why Are Children Given Psychic Powers? There are children who have psychic powers. They might obtain psychic powers all of sudden from the Heaven, although they didn’t seek the powers. However, their parents, who have devoted decades to religions and spiritual practices to find God and try to benefit the world with Shin-Tong ( 神通 ; Supernatural Powers) and Dho-Tong ( 道通 ; Spiritual Enlightenment), are not given spiritual abilities or psychic powers. One day, children under the age of ten, and middle and high school students will suddenly hear the voice of the Heaven. And more and more children will see the visions of the Heaven. Depending on the level of spiritual ability given to children, some parents will be delighted that the Holy Spirit has descended upon their children, and other parents will be sad that their children are possessed by evils. Depending on the level of spiritual ability given to children, more parents will worry that their children have become strange. T

[Life Tree TV] The Final Unravelment on the Sleep

  The Final Unravelment on the Sleep Sleep is a medicine for curing our body, which is well expressed by the term, ‘Gan-Jang-Hyul ( 肝藏血 )’, used in Oriental medicine. This message has been prepared as a record to describe what is happening in the invisible world of our body while we are sleeping. When a person is awake, the liver sends blood to the heart constantly. The amount of blood in the human body is about 1/13 of body weight. For example, an adult weighing 65 kilograms has 5 liters of blood. When you are doing physical labor, most of your blood is moving intensively to your muscles or four limbs (hands and feet). When you are doing mental labor, a considerable amount of blood is concentrated on your brain, while relatively less blood is distributed in your internal organs. The stronger the intensity of your physical or mental labor are, the heavier the role of your liver. The more the liver works, the more heat the liver generates. Over 70 percent of heat generated in our bod