
The Final Unravelment on Human Aura Energy

Every life form radiates its unique aura energy, which is also called “the Life-Field”. The human aura energy consists of 7 layers. The aura energy represents symbolically the health state of a life form. The human aura energy also manifests the cosmic rank of its spirit in the universe. The human aura energy represents the status of chakra system. The spiritual capability can also be read by the aura energy. The aura energy is the symbol which shows that the invisible truth of the universe is manifested as the truth of life in a life form. We can’t see the aura energy. It can’t be proved and analyzed with modern science technology either. The aura energy could be read only with the so called “Third Eye”. I leave this message on record, as I think it is necessary that many confusions about the aura energy is made clear. The aura energy is made from the energy of spirit-soul-Baek. In fact, the aura energy radiates the information about the spirit-soul-Baek with i

The Final Unravelment on the Astral Plane

In every planet where life forms are living exists the Astral Plane. In terms of 15 dimensional universe, the Astral Plane exists in the 4 th dimension. In terms of 18 dimensional universe, its dimension is the 5 th . The Astral Plane of the Earth locates in the inter-dimensional space above the Antarctic and Arctic. There exists a huge space-ship to manage the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane is a special space of energy which is built by the space-ship. The size of the Astral Plane reaches to about 60% of that of the Earth. The space-ship to manage the Astral Plane builds and operates the energy grids of the Earth. The Astral Plane is the busiest place. It is quite like a big airport which is always crowded with departing and arriving guests. The Astral Plane may be compared to the immigration office for the spirit-souls. Lives are born endlessly. Lives go away ceaselessly. The Astral Plane offers the energy of spirit-soul-Baek to the lives which are to be born. Th

The Creator’s Message: The Termination of Material Civilizations on Earth

Every life is taking part in the circulation cycle of life through sacrifice and service. Every life is evolving in the WHOLENESS CONSCIOUSNESS of the Great Universe through the causal cycles of life which is known as food chain. Every planet has her unique cycle of evolution. Every planet has her own unique program of evolution. The minor cycles of civilizations on a planet are accumulated into the major cycles. The time when civilizations on a planet are reset is called “the Minor Cycle”. When a planet goes through the Great Tribulations such as the pole-shift and enormous diastrophism, we call this period “the Major Cycle”.   During 2.5 million years so far, the planet Earth has so faithfully and sincerely served the role of the Cosmic School for the Nebadon universe as the material school where various spirit-souls could learn the material world and grow up. Now the Earth has finished her mission and she is ready for the dimensional ascension. The 7 th Grand Cy

The Final Unravelment on Death

A life exists in a breath. If a inhaled breath does not come out, then the life comes to an end. In a breath of a life, the truth of life is manifested. The energy of spirit-soul-Baek is the source of all living forms. The energy operation of spirit-soul-Baek makes a life as the life. The energy of spirit-soul-Baek controls the energy interaction of Jung ( 精 )-Ki( 氣 )-Shin( 神 ) in human body.   If a life comes to an end, the spirit-soul-Baek of the life are separated from each other. After the first separation of the spirit, the energy of soul and the energy of Baek are separated and scattered. The energy of spirit-soul-Baek return to the Heaven and only the physical body is left on earth. The physical body return to the ground and scattered into various elements.  The energy of spirit-soul-Baek are separated and go into the astral plane (5 th dimension) of the Earth. The astral plane of the Earth locates in the inter-dimensional space over the Antarctic and Arctic.

The Final Unravelment on Spirit-Soul-Baek

Every spirit( 靈 ) is born in the 16 th dimension. Through spiritual differentiations, spirits are allocated to the lower dimensions. Thus the journey of spirit and that of spirit-soul begins. For a spirit to start the journey of exploring the material world, it has to equip two energies with itself: The Soul energy( 魂 ) and Baek energy( 魄 ). The soul energy is granted from the 11 th dimension and the Baek energy from the astral plane (5 th dimension) of a planet where it is to go. The relative proportion of spirit-soul-Baek determines the specific form of life such as a mineral, plant, animal, or human being. After allowing for all these requirements, a spirit is created just like custom made and dispatched all over the universe. The key to handle all these procedures is the Thought Adjuster which could be granted only by the Creator. But the actual endowment of the Thought Adjuster to a spirit is conducted in the 16 th dimension. The spirit energy lies in the in