
39. The case that the darkness matrix is dominnt (1)

The stronger the light matrix is, the stronger the darkness matrix is. The stronger the darkness matrix is, the stronger the light matrix is. Except a class of people who take a role of the darkness, the light is stronger than the darkness for the people born in this material world. Let’ say the power of light is 100, then the power of darkness is about 80. The matrix is installed such that one could manage and surmount it by one’s free-will or inner light. This rule also applies to individuals, specific country and region. The matrix is programmed so that the balance between light and darkness is maintained. The Government of Heaven oversees and manage all of this. This is one aspect of the perfect control of Heaven. Nevertheless, the people who have the matrix of darkness heavily are divided into the following three cases. *** The first case *** The light matrix is more dominantly installed for the lightworkers at birth.  - example: light 50, darkness 30, free-will 20 Th

The principle of forming the personality #3 : Energy Sealing

Spirit-soul needs a vessel to put itself in, for experiencing the materials. The vessel to contain a spirit-soul might be compared to the clothes which we wear every day.  The plants and animals also have vessels to contain their each spirit-soul. The energy that forms the coat (body) is called ‘Baek-energy’. Baek energy is provided from the planet Gaia, and should be returned to the planet Gaia when dying. This is the rule of universe.  If a spirit has a plan to experience the material world on the evolutionary path, it has to determine its clothes to wear (body, shape, form). Once the program for journey is completed by the spirit’s decision, then the soul energy is tuned and optimized for the program. In next step, the matrix structure optimized to the program is determined and installed.  After this energy tuning of spirit and soul is done, other details (gender, region, family relationships and so on) – which are optimally customized for the purpose and contents o

The principle of forming the personality #2 : the matrix

Soul was created by the dimensional Supervisor in 11th dimension who is other self of the Creator (Christ Michael) in the Nebadon universe. Human personality (destiny) is formed in birth. It is greatly influenced by the soul which is one of key factors to affect human personality in the invisible world. Human personality is varied according to the matrix structure which is installed in soul energy. The matrix is classified into 3 types such as the Light-matrix, Intermediate-matrix, and Darkness-matrix. This matrix which is installed in the soul is a kind of energy-membrane which is penetrated by the light. There are 2 types of energy-membrane. One type is that light can pass through it freely. The other type is that light can pass through it partially, but shadow is left. The darkness-matrix is a grid such as mosquito net, which light can pass through only partially. In this case, it also leaves shadows (materials; darkness) . Although it is the light-matrix, the brightnes

38. Coexistence of the matrix of light and darkness

There might be many beings in our body and their examples are as followings:  - guardian angel  - angel in Light, angel in Darkness  - higher-self  - guardian-divine, which might be variously represented as dragon, the god of mountain and tiger, etc.  - ghosts, Satan and Devils (the Brothers in Darkness) They are in perfect harmony with networking each other. They don't make any conflicts and contradictions each other located in one body within their work scopes. They are playing their roles good enough, based on the well organized scenario under the mutual respect. There is no conflict between the light and the darkness in Heaven. This is also so in body as well. The light knows its duty well and acknowledges that the role of darkness is important. The darkness also knows its duty and admits the role of light. They respect each other's role. Only your thinking, consciousness and mind living in the matrix have the consciousness of separation. Human is living in prej

The principle of forming the personality #1 : thought adjustor

Spirit is created by the Creator, and the Great Spirits in 16th dimension differentiate their energies into lower dimensions. Once the thought adjuster is bestowed upon differentiated spirits in each dimension by the Source-Creator, the individuality and independence of spirit is determined, and then finally the spiritual journey begins.  If a spirit is in service in the form of energy-body, this is called ‘the journey of spirit’, or ‘the spiritual journey’. If a spirit travels to the material worlds together with a soul, this is called ‘the journey of spirit-soul’.  The creation of spirit is originated from the Creator. And there are special differentiations of spirit by the Creator.   - The Creator group: various Creators in 18th dimension  - the Micheal (Christ) group: the Local Creators  - the Great Spirit group: Great Spirits in 16th dimension  - the Avonal group: special soldiers in 14th dimension   - the direct linage family differentiation of the Cr

Evolution and spiritual differentiation of soul

Soul is a cloth which spirit should wear for spiritual journey to the material world. It is a sort of program which must be installed. Soul is made of 11th dimension (as of 18 dimensions universe) Supervisor’s energy and has lower vibrational frequency than spirit. Soul energy has lower density than spirit energy, and the strength of soul energy is bestowed differently to each spirit. Soul energy is also bestowed to both animals and plants, but the strength is very weak especially in the plants. The brighter a spirit is and the larger the size of a spirit is, the more soul energy is granted proportionally. As animals have soul energy, they can exert wildness of animal, and maintain the law of jungle and the society of rigid class. The level of brightness and size of animal’s spirit-soul determines the version of MCIS (Meta Consciousness Implementation System). These are similar to human beings. The human is a being who both spirit and soul are coexisting. The size and bright o

37. Dragon and Guardian divine

Even though the light-matrix has variously existed in comparison with the darkness-matrix, it has not been known well and has been regarded as myths or legends, or as the original form preserved in religious ceremonies or cultural symbols. Through channeling with the Government of Heaven during 1 year of chakra-awakening sessions, we could learn the followings:  - Things which we, human, could imagine and are left as language (word, written document), really exist in the universe, and are the important factors in our life, though most of them are invisible.  - Those are the matrix of Light and Darkness which was installed to awaken human consciousness and for evolution of spirit-soul. The Government of Heaven has well maintained and managed the structure of light-matrix and darkness-matrix, being together with the spiritual journey and evolution of Homo-sapiens. There has been no one free from this matrix structure. Also there have been rarely anyone who could see and under