The Secret of the Jung-Ki (正氣) of Mani Mountain in Ganghwa-do.
The Korean Peninsula is a place where the DAN ( 檀 ) tribe which is a group of spirit-souls with the Energy of the CREATOR most abundantly, is living on the largest scale in the world. The Korean Peninsula used to be the center of material civilization in the Age of Suhn-Chun ( 先天 ; the age when the Heaven is invisible) and shall be the center of spiritual civilization in the Age of Hu-Chun ( 後天 ; the age when the Heaven is visible). The Korean Peninsula is the land where everything returns to its origin it has come from when the End Times come. The Korean Peninsula is the place where the first civilization of the planet Earth began and where the present civilization of the planet Earth shall be terminated. The Korean Peninsula is a sacred land from which a new Spiritual Civilization shall begin on Earth and also a holy land where the Covenant of the CREATOR made at the Dawn of the Universe shall be executed. The Korean Peninsula is where the stargates ...