The Principle by which the Karmas of the Alien Spirit-Souls are Dissolved
The cosmic identities of the alien spirit-souls living on the planet Earth are mostly administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchies of their home planets, who were in charge of their planets’ evolutions. The administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchy of a planet plan and design the roadmap for their planetary evolution and manage and operate their planets based on the planet’s evolutionary roadmap. They are different from the general spirit-souls belonging to their planet’s Spiritual Hierarchy. The general spirit-souls belonging to the Spiritual Hierarchy of a planet are on the track of material journey for their own spiritual evolutions through the transmigration (reincarnation) process. Big mistakes or blunders committed by those spirit-souls are left as their karmas after death and their karmas can be dissolved by going through the transmigration process. However, the administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchy of a planet have the Spirit-energy at least 5 to 30 times...