
The Law of Karma Dissolution

Spirit-Soul evolves through material experience. The direction of Spirit-Soul’s evolution is determined by its thought-adjuster. What a Spirit-Soul could learn from a single journey of material world is not so much as you expect. In order for a Spirit-Soul to experience the material world, two things must be selected. One is the free-will, the other is the karmic energy. Spirit-Soul receives the coat, which is suitable for its evolutionary journey of the material world, from the Spiritual world in the 5th dimension. Every life-form has its own consciousness. As the level of consciousness manifestation is widely different, the hierarchy of free-will is also quite varying. The higher level of free-will and consciousness implementation means the higher level of intelligence and creative power. Among the life-forms in the universe, the highest degree of free-will is allowed for the Homo-Sapiens. But the higher level of free-will inevitably results in conflicts and over-...

Karmic Energy-Fields and the Coming of Devils Rampage

All the miracles are realized by energy-beings in energy-fields. The same law applies for the Devils Rampage. The miracles manifested by Jesus about two thousand years ago had been done by celestial energy-beings in the 11 th dimension under special energy-fields of the 13 th dimension. The miracles manifested by the master Emil and others, appearing in the book < Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East > by Baird T. Spalding, had not been done by the outcome of their special efforts such as meditation and other spiritual practices. For the master Emil and others, the privileges to use special energy-fields of the Heaven had been allowed. Also they had been granted to command celestial energy-beings temporarily. More specifically, they had performed miracles with the help of energy-beings in the 9 th dimension of the Heaven under special energy-fields of the 11 th dimension. The celestial energy-beings belong to the various hierarchies with 15 leve...

The Final Unravelment on Light

From the Consciousness of “the Ultimate Origin of the Source-Creator”, the Source-Creator’s Consciousness was born. From the Consciousness of the Source-Creator, Light was born. From Light, consciousness was born. Light is the information carrier to convey consciousness. With consciousness and energy, Light created everything. Everything and every-being in the Grand Universe were created from the Source-Creator’s Consciousness. Light is the tool to manifest the Source-Creator’s Consciousness. Light is energy. Light is sound. Light is word. Light is consciousness. Light is the tool to carry information. In Light, there are the Source-Creator’s Consciousness, the information of the grand universe, and the circulation programs for the grand universe. Lights are not the same. The number of Lights invisible greatly surpass that of Lights visible. The Light to roll the wheel of the universe is the Light invisible with high vibration and...

The Final Unravelment on the 5th Dimension (A world of Ghosts)

    Ghosts known at the level of human consciousness refer to energy-beings in the 5 th dimension. Ghosts are not caused by unjust death or deep-rooted grudges.  Ghosts might be figuratively expressed as the lowest ranked government officials. They belong to Yung-Gye ( 靈界 ; the spiritual world in the 5 th dimension, alternatively the astral plane). They might be called full-time civil servants belonging to the Government of Heaven, who is in charge of the work of Heaven. They are not selected from ordinary spirit-souls. Energy-beings, who exist at odd-numbered dimensions, are special administrators created by the Creator itself n   The 5 th Dimensional Energy-Beings: the lowest ranked Government Officials n   The 7 th Dimensional Energy-Beings: the lower-ranked Angels n   The 9 th Dimensional Energy-Beings: the middle-ranked Angels n   The 11 th Dimensional Energy-Beings: the higher-ranked Angels n   The 13 th Dim...