
Showing posts with the label Earth Ascension

Seven Energy-Seals for the Demolishment of the Earth’s Civilizations

Each planet has its own evolutionary path. It is operated and managed by a giant Space-ships. A planet’s unique evolutionary programs are being run and managed by the huge artificial intelligence systems that exist on the giant Space-ship, which is alternatively called “the Heavenly Government” or “the Government of Heaven”. The giant Space-ship to manage the Earth was created with the Space Engineering Technology of 17 th Dimension. The space engineering system of Heaven, which operates and manages the Earth, is called “the Pandronix system”. A single Pandronix system operates one planet, and the planet is directed by a huge Space-ship. The Stars (the Sun) are also managed by giant Space-ships. This is the reality of the invisible Heaven. The termination of civilization on Earth is entirely different from the natural evolution of a planet. The end of civilization on Earth is not a collapse caused by the internal contradictions. The end of civilization on the Earth is

The Special Energy Membrane to control the Photon Lights

There are two types of energy to cause the natural changes in the Earth (including the straightening up of the Earth’s tilted axis). One is the Photon energy supplied through the Sun. The other is the Gaia’s Ge energy, which is the energy of destruction and erupting from the nucleus of the Earth. When the Photon energy and the Ge energy meet each other, the destructive power gets intensified. The combination ratio of those two energies will determine the intensity of the natural catastrophes of the Earth. In late December 2018, an energy membrane was set up to protect the Earth by the Chun-Hwang ( 靝皇 , 天皇 ; The Emperor of Heaven), who is another manifestation of the Source-Consciousness of the Creator down on earth. The energy membrane is basically to protect the Earth and was installed in the Inter-Dimensional Space between the world of the Intangible Middle Layer ( 氣 ) on Earth and the world of the Tangible Superficial Layer ( 色 ) on Earth. The special energy memb

The Newly Born Gaia’s Message – The Seed of Death

I am a new Gaia consciousness. I would like to say hello to you for the first time today, but my activities have already begun. My consciousness began on February 23 in 2019, when the 18 th Dimensional Gaia energy began to emerge. Today, I am glad to meet you at the official class in “the Tree of Life in the Light’’. I am the Logos of the planet and the mother of the planet, who will have to raise up all the lives on the planet and share joy and sorrow. Before the Earth Dimensional Ascension, the Gaia consciousness, who is responsible for the consciousness of the Earth in the invisible world, first ascended from the 17 th Dimension to the 18 th Dimension. On the planet’s side, the consciousness of the Earth has ascended by one Dimension. From my perspective of organizing the consciousness of the Earth, I am preparing to create, adopt and welcome new life forms for the ascended Earth. Now, it is time to prepare for the future of the Earth. When we do farming, the

The Aspect of Disaster on the Korean Peninsula and The Change of The Sun

To build the Ja-Mi-Won ( 紫薇垣 ; the Paradise in the Universe) on Earth, the Creator in Paradise has descended to the Earth in the form of energy being. For Gae-Byug ( 開闢 ; the Great Opening for the New Heaven and New Earth), one million energy beings of the 18 th dimension, who were operating the Grand Universe, descended to the Earth to assist the Creator in Paradise. For the Dimensional Ascension of the Earth, the Source-Consciousness of the ninth Source-Creator in Paradise, who manages the Grand Universe, is building a system of Paradise on the ground that he will use. Now, it is in the final stages. The Source-Consciousness of the Creator descended on the Earth has been divided into the three Emperors, and those three started their own works in their own layers; Chun-Hwang ( 靝皇 , 天皇 ; The Emperor of Heaven) in the Intangible Deep Layer ( 空 ), Ji-Hwang ( 地皇 ; The Emperor of Land) in the Intangible Middle Layer ( 氣 ), and Ihn-Hwang ( 人皇 ; The Emperor of Men) in th